Bachelorette Number Twelve

Heart-to-Heart Medical Romance Series Book 1
by Jae

Fiction - LGBTQ
432 Pages
Reviewed on 07/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily Maynard for Readers' Favorite

Ellie Fisher is a nurse in the Emergency Department of Kansas City Hospital. She is bubbly, friendly, and a true romantic. In contrast, Dr Regina Novak is sarcastic, standoffish, and cynical; she even has the nickname Dr McIcy. It's not exactly a match made in heaven. When another doctor persuades Regina to become “Bachelorette Number Twelve” at a charity auction, and Ellie fortuitously becomes the highest bidder, the pair are thrown together for four contractual pre-agreed dates. Their eventful first date brings them back to the Emergency Department where they work, which could definitely be seen as a bad omen. Still, under fraught circumstances, they each see a different, more vulnerable side of the other, sharing things about their personal lives that change their perceptions of one another and bring them together in unexpected empathy. Bachelorette Number Twelve by Jae follows Ellie and Regina at work and on their dates and the progression of their unlikely connection.

Bachelorette Number Twelve is a highly compelling, easy-to-read romance. Ellie and Regina have strikingly different personalities but are both relatable and likable in their own ways. They undergo significant character development throughout the story, individually and together, and the reader shares their journey as they navigate their thoughts and feelings toward each other. The story progresses at a leisurely pace, allowing the reader to relish each chapter, with some focusing on a date or event, and others relaying a conversation or interaction. There are some difficult themes, including grief and loss, misplaced guilt, and drug use. Jae has woven these beautifully into the story so that the reader is aware of them, and the emotional responses they cause, but not so intensely that it detracts from the story itself. I found Bachelorette Number Twelve to be irresistible, a book I couldn’t help but read just one more chapter (again and again). It’s humorous and heartwarming, but also at times raw and heartbreaking. It is a great read from start to finish, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I look forward to the next installment! I’d highly recommend this book to any fans of romance or LGBTQ+ fiction, or anyone interested in exploring these genres. I would advise caution for younger audiences as there are a couple of spicy scenes.