Anna's Shadow

Fiction - Womens
238 Pages
Reviewed on 02/10/2024
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Author Biography

Ingrid McCarthy grew up in Bremerhaven, Germany, and now resides in Ottawa, ON, Canada. She is an award-winning author of 18 novels for children and adults, the recipient of the Ottawa Distinguished Women Award and the 30+ Volunteer Award from Ontario Volunteer Service Awards. “Anna’s Shadow” has been awarded the following distinctions: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, Literary Titan Book Award, and a 5-Star Gold Medallion from Readers’ Favourite, to name a few.

In June 2022, she received an award from Femmes Remarquables Ottawa Distinguished Women and the City of Ottawa. The award is in recognition of her 33-year fundraising efforts for community and charity projects in Ottawa through the former New Edinburgh Players, a theatre she founded in 1980, and for her children’s fantasy trilogy, which she read to children in elementary schools and the Ottawa Public Library, each time encouraging students to read and write.

The author is fluent in four languages (German, English, Spanish, and French) and is also an accomplished watercolor artist.

Under the pseudonym Rose D. Franklyn, she has authored 4 novels in the "Sex and The Seasons" series.

Her books are available on Amazn.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Anna’s Shadow is a dramatic and personal work of women’s fiction penned by author Ingrid McCarthy. Set in Europe during both the present day and the events of World War Two and the German occupation, this unusual novel chronicles a story inspired by real events. When Doctor Sofia Rossi takes some leave from work, she finds herself in Verona and decides to join a ‘Juliet Club', acting as an agony aunt for those seeking romantic advice. One of her letters leads her to Luke Miller, an elderly man with issues he needs to resolve. Luke’s sudden arrival in Verona takes Sofia on a mysterious exploration of Europe’s tragic past, questioning the nature of passion, life, love, and loss.

Author Ingrid McCarthy has crafted a relatively quick read that still packs an emotional and atmospheric punch. As a fan of historical and wartime fiction in general, I really appreciated the attention to detail in recalling the harrowing experiences of those who lived under German occupation, as well as the way Luke’s memories come to life with powerful emotive hindsight. Sofia is an intelligent and relatable heroine of whom women’s fiction readers can be proud, fully realized and fleshed out so it feels as though you’re reading the story of a dear friend. The central mystery of the plot is also well constructed, giving us just the right amount of information at a time to keep the intrigue going. Overall, Anna’s Shadow will make a dramatic and thoughtful impact on its readers and is a highly recommended book.