A Place of Love & Light

A Journey Back to Compassion, Authenticity, and Making A Positive Contribution to the World

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
370 Pages
Reviewed on 12/05/2023
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Author Biography

Ellen Edmondson is a #1 Amazon best-selling and multiple award-winning author of A Place of Love & Light: A Journey Back to Compassion, Authenticity, and Making a Positive Contribution to the World. Her work has earned her recognition on the Nasdaq billboard in Times Square, New York, highlighting her influence in the spiritual and intuitive communities.

As an author, medium, artist, intuition coach, and advocate for highly intuitive children, Ellen delivers heartfelt messages of love, hope, healing, and encouragement. For over a decade, she has supported individuals navigating grief and uncertainty about their path forward through her writings, readings, and intuition coaching. With over 676,000 visits, her website and blog have provided a source of comfort and inspiration to readers worldwide.

Inspired by the profound wisdom she's channeled, Ellen felt compelled to share these divine insights on a larger scale, aiming to uplift and guide people on their personal and spiritual journeys.

Ellen believes in the power of unconditional love, the joy of living authentically, and the call to a life of service. Her work reflects this deep passion, offering a beacon of light and guidance to all who seek it.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

After years of meditation and study, Ellen Edmondson wrote A Place of Love and Light to share her gifts. In over 150 devotionals, the author conveys the sense of unconditional love, truth, faith, spirituality, purpose, and becoming an agent of spiritual change. While encouraging meditation and contemplation, Edmondson offers urgings that remind readers of their purpose so they can refine their spiritual focus. After each section, she attempts to motivate readers with a step that will enable them to connect with a personal and divine exploration. Edmondson provides a free journal readers may download and fill with notes from the text as they read and reflect upon the words.

Readers can see Ellen Edmondson's inspiring gifts throughout her book, and everyone should review her testimony before diving into the pages. After absorbing her letter to readers, I felt a stronger connection to the author, and Edmondson's writing carried more weight with me. Even though I do not possess her gift, I see the need for her work to be shared with others, hopefully uplifting them and healing some of the unnecessary burdens they carry. The pieces communicate a calming joy that motivates readers to embrace the feeling, and the pictures in the book convey serenity as the author channels peace with each section of the book. I encourage you to read every page, as a lovely contribution from Edmondson's late mother appears at the end, and she beautifully details a touching story about her daughter. A Place of Love and Light is a great selection for readers who are ready to receive spiritual wisdom to guide the next phase of their journey.

Vernita Naylor

Looking at the conditions of today, from war, poverty, and food insecurity to various types of abuse and social injustices, it is essential that we continually seek ways to stay encouraged while making a difference in this world. You must stimulate your mind, body, and spirit daily with inspiration, meditation, and prayer to help balance yourself for optimal health. In A Place of Love and Light by Ellen Edmondson, you will find the tools to help you stay positive, keep on track to being healthy, and learn the process of living out your purpose on Earth. Ellen inspires the reader through poetry, scriptures, messages, and quotes. The reader is continually challenged to look deep within as they are guided to their life’s purpose. Ellen encourages journaling to be a part of the process. As a gift to the reader, Ellen has provided a resource to begin your journaling journey; to help you tap into healing and working out those things that may be hindering your progress.

By adopting the words of wisdom throughout A Place of Love and Light by Ellen Edmondson, the reader will make better decisions for creating a more cohesive universe and environment in which to function and live. When people are healthy and happy, their interactions resonate with positive vibes. These vibes contribute to one’s mental health and influence the positive channels around us. Ellen shares her story and the journey that was responsible for creating this book, which will be helpful for the reader's self-discovery. As a bonus, Ellen’s mother provides a short story about the author titled Chasing Butterflies that I am sure readers will enjoy as well. If you are looking for ways to stay motivated and encouraged as you continue along the pathway of discovering your purpose, get a copy of this book.

Amy Raines

In A Place Of Love & Light: A Journey Back To Compassion, Authenticity, And Making A Positive Contribution To The World by Ellen Edmondson, the author shows that God’s Divinity is a part of us. He lives in everything we do. God guides us and encourages us to be ourselves and make the most of the lives He has laid out before us. Loving thoughts and acts are a direct product of God’s love that lives inside us. It is easy to see God’s love in acts of love, kindness, giving, and sharing. Find God’s Divine love in the heart-mind-soul connection. Learn to seek and find God as He intended us to do.

A Place Of Love & Light has several passages and poems that enlighten you on the importance of maintaining a relationship with God and seeing His love in every aspect of your life. I enjoyed reading about God's connection to the soul, mind, body, and spirit, as well as the beauty He reflects in everything we see, say, and do. I love the way this daily devotional encourages you to look for the love that God shares in everyday life. I recommend A Place of Love & Light by Ellen Edmondson to those who want to know more about God, how to see His influences each day, and how to follow the path to His love. This book would be a wonderful addition to scripture reading sessions for a better understanding of God’s love and intentions or as a stand-alone daily devotional guide.