Smith by Sam B Miller II is a thrilling paranormal fiction tale in which a young man finds a ring and soon his whole life changes. This is the story of an 18-year-old named Jake, who finds a gorgeous and innocent looking ring, and decides...
Smith by Sam B Miller II is a thrilling paranormal fiction tale in which a young man finds a ring and soon his whole life changes. This is the story of an 18-year-old named Jake, who finds a gorgeous and innocent looking ring, and decides...
Intimate, curiously emotional, and psychologically exciting, Poetically Unapologetic by Sophia King is a collection that features gems that readers will adore. It’s not a book for readers who are looking for erudite verses, but those who have learned to listen with the heart, to see...
Twins Ollie and Lily are stranded at Great-Uncle Alfred’s house along with their mother, Stella, at Great Hawkesden Manor during Christmas in The Secret of Pooks Wood by Helen Laycock. The twins find a snow globe outside the house and inside the globe is a...
Young Jake has no known relatives and he is heartbroken at the death of his grandmother in Glass Dreams by Helen Laycock. Jake knows it is time for him to grow up. Grandma leaves a box for him without telling him where the key is....
Salt by Helen Laycock is an intriguing and mysterious story which begins with Toby receiving a pink envelope addressed to him. His brother starts making fun of him, saying he has a girlfriend. The letter is from Great-Aunt Winifred and she invites Toby to...
Martha and Mitch by Helen Laycock revolves around two children, Martha and Mitch, who lead contrasting lifestyles and meet under unusual circumstances. Martha is rich and lives at Lottery Lodge with her father and stepmother. Her father, Mr. Muggsworthy-Millions, is rich and is the maker...
Song of the Moon by Helen Laycock is a fantastical adventure that revolves around Isadora Wellington who wants to earn her Brownie Merit Badge by helping elderly people. Izzy decides to help Titania Moonsong, an old woman who is wheelchair bound. Mrs. Moonsong lives down...
Margot Gets An Unexpected Visit is a charming work of nature storytelling and photography composed and compiled by author-photographer Lieve Snellings. In this story of nature in Quebec, aimed at ages 5 to 9 years old, the central character Margot is a groundhog. Also known...
Leaderology by Oleg Konovalov is an innovative way of looking at how to lead a company. Oleg Konovalov discusses how culture works and how a leader should use it to the company's advantage. They discuss how the leader should not only worry about how to...
Find Mind, written by Ziji Rinpoche and illustrated by Celine Wright, is a children's wellness education picture book and the third in the BeginningMind Series, preceded by book one, Where is Mind? and book two, Strong Mind and followed by book four, Kind Mind and...
Healing Yesterday's Tears by Kyli Santiago is an inspiring poetry book about overcoming emotional baggage and discovering self-love. Using her own life as her muse, Kyli Santiago pens beautifully crafted poems that draw inspiration from some of the darkest moments in her life. Kyli had...
In The Girl and the Lock on Her Heart by Lauren Lee, a girl who lives by herself is on a mission to find the key that will fit the empty lock on her heart. One day, a boy who has a key to his...
The aftermath of the bubonic plague, dubbed the great pestilence, was a difficult time for everyone. It was especially tough for Appel and Efi, who lost their families to the plague. Lacking any means to feed her drunk husband and twelve children, Gritta faced a...
Zero Sum Conclusion by Thomas Lopinski is a dystopian tale set after the Second Civil War reformed the American government. A scoring system based on demeanor and the Solid Start Initiative eliminated poverty and debt. After the death of Edgar’s wife, a doctor put out...
An Unexpected Ally: A Greek Tale of Love, Revenge, and Redemption is a work of fiction in the historical fiction, interpersonal drama, and intrigue subgenres. It is suitable for the general adult reading audience. Penned by author Sophia Kouidou-Giles, this enchanting tale follows the journey...
Leaning on Air by Cheryl Grey Bostrom is an emotional journey of love, acceptance, and letting go. The story follows the tumultuous life of Burnaby and Celia. Friends in their teen years, Celia and Burnaby met years later as successful professionals but lacking in their...
"Daimones" by Massimo Marino is an apocalypse book with a difference. One night the world’s population quietly died, except for Dan, his wife Mary and their teenage daughter. The mass extinction was so quiet that it was only on the commute to work in Geneva...
"Tasting Home: Coming of Age in the Kitchen" was written by author, Judith Newton. I absolutely love this book. Each chapter of this delightful book combines a story from the author's life with a corresponding recipe. This book is divided into five sections, each representing...
We first meet Adrienne in On Thin Ice when she's a young adult of 28 in Amsterdam. She's had two relationships: Harry, her first, a gentle soul of a man who doesn't seem to make her swoon, and Ethan, the son of a wealthy candle...
Arizona Wildlife Notebook by Garry Rogers is a rather comprehensive checklist of wildlife species existing in the State of Arizona. This notebook provides a brief description for each of eleven (11) groups of wildlife, conservation status of all extant species within that group in Arizona,...