Hey, White Girl
The year is 1969, and all hopes for a great sophomore year of high school are dashed for Nell when she finds out that she can no longer go to her old school and would be bused to one in which she would be the...
The year is 1969, and all hopes for a great sophomore year of high school are dashed for Nell when she finds out that she can no longer go to her old school and would be bused to one in which she would be the...
Whatever Tomorrow Brings by Claire Nance takes me back to my high school years with hanging out at lockers, sliding into class as the tardy bell rings, and all of the drama with boyfriends and girlfriends. The story revolves around Dee Anderson, her boyfriend Slate,...
To Be A Fae Queen by Tricia Copeland follows Titania, a young Fae princess, now the heir to the throne of Aubren, after her four brothers were killed in a war. Their deaths have sent her mother into a catatonic state, and Titania is struggling...
Annalise Grey completely captures the highs and lows, dreams, and insecurities of the average 14-year-old teen through her protagonist, Carleigh, in I, Girl X. Carleigh’s hopes for a happy future are slowly sabotaged by her younger brother’s erratic and unstable mental and physical behavior. As...
A Kiss for Maggie Moore by Micki R. Pettit is a coming-of-age drama novel that follows the lives of three childhood friends in rural Wyoming from the late 60s to early 70s. Margaret Emma Moore and her best friend Buckingham Howard Majors welcome another addition...
Bridgette Dutta Portman's YA fantasy novel The Twin Stars: Book One of the Coseema Saga is an incredibly imaginative space fantasy and coming-of-age story with strong themes. Olive Joshi, 16, is the principal character. She has OCD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Driven by fears and anxieties, she...
The Souvenir Game is a young adult coming-of-age thriller written by Christopher Renna. Sixteen-year-old Spencer Newhouse spends his time hanging out with the Wyatt Five, a group of five upper-class and somewhat privileged kids who are inseparable from each other. While playing the Souvenir Game,...
The Diary of Anne Monroe is written by Heidi Andrews and tells the story of a 13-year-old girl, Margaret Sorenson, set in Alexandria, Virginia in 1952. Margaret is adopted and feels that she is not entirely accepted by her adopted mother and father who went...
Brilliant White Peaks is a survival adventure tale written by Teng Rong. Written from the perspective of a young wolf, it follows a small wolf family as they battle harsh weather conditions, scarcity of food, and other predators to survive in the wild. Raised by...
Sins of the Parents: A Shady Corners Tale by K.C. Sprayberry is an absolutely delightful coming-of-age novel set in the small Georgian town of Shady Corners. Luci and Skye are cousins, who remarkably look like twins and were born on the same day. They have...