In the End

Young Adult - Adventure
268 Pages
Reviewed on 12/19/2021
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Author Biography

Before I retired as a social teacher, I taught my students that citizens have power to effect change. Experience backed me up.

I worked with a local community to stop a gravel truck business from driving their trucks by a elementary school while the students were in attendance.

As an executive member of the Alberta Teacher's Association we successfully challenged our provincial government to protect the quality of education in Alberta. May of the tactics used by the association appear in my novel called The Caretaker.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Cloie Belle Daffon for Readers' Favorite

Ken Saik’s In the End is a story about a sinkhole that left the people of Pine Valley, especially the families of the 12 victims, horrified. After two straight days of downpour, the Sanfield couple found a huge gaping hole where their garage was supposed to be. The worst part of it all was inside that garage were twelve teenagers and one of them was their beloved son, Sampson. They had been partying all night without a care in the world. Little did they know that all their fun was about to end there. Unbeknownst to the parents of these teenagers, they were finding a way to survive inside the tunnels found deep within the sinkhole. What horrors await them as they do their best to survive? Will they encounter something suspicious and dangerous lurking in the tunnels? Will any of them be able to come out alive?

In the End by Ken Saik is a grueling and fast-paced story that piqued my interest from the very first chapter. Saik writes many heartwarming moments and a few made my heart ache, especially after I think about all the tragedies the teenagers went through. I loved the deep bond that the boys had with each other. Each of them showed remarkable bravery in the face of danger. I could envision the struggles they were facing while maneuvering around the tunnels and I was afraid and horrified on their behalf. I had goosebumps when Perry voiced his concerns about someone following them as they were checking on the different tunnels. The story was so detailed that I could feel the fear and desperation that each of the boys felt as though I was there with them. The characters of the story and its unique plot are the foundations that built up this story. I admired Perry for his unwavering faith and Calvin for his selflessness. The intricate, exciting plot is what allowed these characters and others to shine! The ending was so unexpected, but it was truly a great one. Well done!

Pikasho Deka

In The End is a young adult coming-of-age survival tale penned by Ken Saik. Mr. Sanfield's life turns upside down as he watches his two-car garage devoured by a sinkhole, taking the lives of twelve high school students who were partying inside, including his son Sampson and his friends. Meanwhile, beneath the surface, the boys are trapped in a deep cavern with dozens of tunnels. Soon, the boys divide themselves into groups to explore the tunnels and find an escape route. However, one by one, each falls victim to the treacherous nature of the place. As hope and resources run low, they discover haiku poems describing the wonders of a mysterious place called Vanna. Will their friendship and camaraderie enable anyone to reach Vanna?

Filled with suspense and plenty of hair-raising moments, In The End is a tale of brotherhood and the act of letting go. There is a sense of warmth and heart you'll find in this survival tale, as author Ken Saik infuses a lot of touching moments into the story. You feel for the characters and find yourself caring for every single one of them as they fight for survival under harrowing circumstances. Despite the large cast, Saik manages to convey a strong dynamic between the friends with vastly different personalities. Their friendship forms the bedrock of the narrative. I have to say the ending took me by surprise. It felt a little bittersweet yet satisfying nonetheless. If you love coming-of-age stories about friendship, definitely check out In The End.

Nicholus Schroeder

In The End is an adventure book by Ken Saik. Sampson, along with eleven of his friends, was hanging out in his father’s garage, or the man cave as they call it, when it all happened. The garage had fallen deep into the earth through a sinkhole, and miraculously all twelve boys survived. They agreed that the safest and most practical route to safety would be to explore an opening in the earth that was probably made by humans. At first, they were making progress in the dark, dank tunnels until they watched a close friend fall to his death. The group realized then that they were in a precarious situation and death awaited them at every turn of those black as night tunnels. To make matters worse, one of the lads couldn’t shake the feeling that something malevolent was watching them. What mysteries will they come across as they venture deeper into the unknown? Will they survive? Or will the darkness consume them?

In The End was an amazing book and one that I’m glad I got to read. The book had an incredible plot that had me really intrigued as to how it would all play out. The group's journey in the tunnels was conveyed with clarity, and it was very interesting as their explorations frequently unearthed mysteries and other points of interest that piqued my curiosity. The characters were also another great thing about this book as they were all well-written. Ken Saik definitely put a lot of thought into his characters as each is unique and authentic. Their lines, personalities, and convictions could easily be portrayed as is by actors in a film, and the scenes would still be very organic and life-like. I also appreciated the author’s creativity in how a character met their demise and that each was probable as I do enjoy a bit of realism in my books. I loved reading In The End and have no problem recommending this one to fans of the adventure genre.