BFF: A Story About Bullycide by Lindsey G. P. Bell is the story of a young teenage girl named Abby Feldman. With her mother gone, Abby and her father unilaterally decide to leave the San Francisco Bay Area in favor of a massive house in...
BFF: A Story About Bullycide by Lindsey G. P. Bell is the story of a young teenage girl named Abby Feldman. With her mother gone, Abby and her father unilaterally decide to leave the San Francisco Bay Area in favor of a massive house in...
Maggie O’Connor had lived eighty years and continued to be a strong, assertive woman. She lived in a cabin in rural Wisconsin that she and her deceased husband loved. With the occasional assistance of a young man, Vic, and other neighbors, she maintained her independence...
Walks Through Life is a collection of nine short stories that convey messages about being humane and having empathy. From powerful kingdoms to sea monsters, each story has a memorable setting that is distinct from the others. Divine Ax is about an enemy king who...
Anne Egseth’s endearing literary work, This Is All He Asks of You, features letters written by an imaginative twelve-year-old girl to her absent father. Now twenty-two, Luna looks back at her twelve-year-old self through the letters she wrote then which remained unsent. In 2007, Luna...
After the Occurrence, ten-year-old Littlethumb Brooks discovers he's a genius by painting an astounding picture of the Mona Lisa. His Native American parents and his art teacher start to work together to further develop his talent and introduce him to fame with the help of...
For All That Is In The World is a work of fiction in the dramatic, Christian and family-oriented fiction sub-genres, and was penned by author December Knight. In this truly intriguing story with a high concept structure and emotive background story, we meet the young...
All Those Tears We Can't See is a work of fiction in the interpersonal drama, cross-cultural and realistic fiction sub-genres, and was penned by author Gita Audhya. The work is written for an adult reading audience due to the presence of some sensitive topics, plus...
A Greek Cat by Moshe Karasso follows the story of a Jewish man growing up in the idyllic Greek islands to adulthood and old age. Although generations before him had acquired much wealth, the generations that followed became complacent and lazy, leaving the family poverty-stricken...
Stolen Pasts is a work of fiction in the interpersonal drama, emotional and family life sub-genres, and was penned by author C. S. Wiltshire. Written for adult audiences, the work does contain explicit language usage, some graphic violence, and references to child abuse, to which...
Why Liv? by Jon Sebastian Shifrin is a wonderfully told story with an international setting that takes readers from New York to Barcelona, following the spiritual odyssey of Livingstone Mordicai Ackerman. From the outside, Liv’s bread is buttered. His life is the envy of many...