Crowman is a work of fiction set in a dark fantasy world and was penned by author David Rae. The plot centres around Utas, father to a sick daughter, and his quest to cure her will force him to face truths about himself, and the...
Crowman is a work of fiction set in a dark fantasy world and was penned by author David Rae. The plot centres around Utas, father to a sick daughter, and his quest to cure her will force him to face truths about himself, and the...
The Goddess Within by Iva Kenaz is the sequel to the historical fantasy book The Witch Within, reading as a stand-alone with its young protagonist, Berka. With knowledge of what Berka divinely possesses, she is raised by her father in the 16th-century Italian wilderness, one...
Native Companions is the first book in the Dreamtime Mysteries by Jenni Barnett. This extraordinary historical tale is set in Australia and follows two timelines: modern-day Rex Graham, a mixed-race Indigenous anthropology student, and the stories about his Aboriginal grandmother’s people. Rex, who suffered in...
In T.L. Callahan's Rising Chaos, Lia Davis had known things would be expected of her as Bennett's bond-mate, but when he whisked her away to his home she realized just how much was expected from her. Raised with no knowledge of their people, Lia finds...
Terraless: The Fantasy World by Thorby Rudbek is the first adventure in a unique magical fantasy series. The story delves into an oppressed society of enslaved people that are discovering a new concept beyond their wildest dreams: freedom. As darkness descends over them, a bow-girl...
Omega's Choice is the first book in Lilli Carlisle's Black Ridge Wolf Pack series. Aldric was too old for this. As an alpha, he had attended the omegas' selection ceremony more times than he could count, but he was never chosen. He thought no woman...
Amun Moon is a work of fiction based in a world of mythological and historical mysticism and was penned by author Stephen Kunkler. As the opening novel to the Amun Skies Trilogy, the book is suitable for more mature readers due to some scenes of...
Jungle Beauty Goddesses – Book 3 – Dirty Ball is a continuation of the saga of the seven sisters, daughters of the creator of the Universe, who are tasked with creating and nurturing a blue planet in the far-flung reaches of the Universe – Earth....
Skies of Olympus by Eliza Raine consists of the first three books in The Immortality Trials series. Nothing’s more dangerous than when the gods of Olympus get bored. The gods have created a new form of entertainment: a series of trials that will offer the...
The rule of the Red King, Barry, has driven the people of Edenshire to the brink of devastation. Even the Seer can divine only destruction before them, and it is a path he himself had brought to pass. He had ended King Manfred's reign by...