Under The Tree
"Under The Tree" by Danielle Leibovici, LMFT, is the story of a little boy who was lost. He woke up under a tree and wandered deeper into the forest searching for his home. The boy came upon a rabbit hole. The rabbit, owl and fox...
"Under The Tree" by Danielle Leibovici, LMFT, is the story of a little boy who was lost. He woke up under a tree and wandered deeper into the forest searching for his home. The boy came upon a rabbit hole. The rabbit, owl and fox...
"Rachel and Sammy Learn About Trees" is not only an adorable story, but it is educational as well! Written by Jannifer Powelson, the story is geared for young children and she also includes photographs to go along with what the characters learn about the trees....
"I Have a Restaurant," written by Ryan Afromsky and illustrated by Ron Noble, is a great story for young children to read before or after going out to eat! Ryan owns a restaurant and his day is filled with ordering food, having supplies delivered, preparing...
"Bizzy Bee and the Flowers" by Jill Warren is a delightful book. The cover is brightly illustrated and will tempt children to pick it up and look inside. There is a picture of Bizzy the bee and a variety of flowers: roses, sunflowers, daisies and...
“What are we going to do today?: Brilliant ideas with Hoobsy and Dubsy” written by Helmut Degen and illustrated by Manuela Soriani is an adorable, interactive book to share with young children! Hoobsy and Dubsy are young groundhog brothers who are never bored because they...
“Princess Charleston of the Isle of Palms” is a sweet book for children. The book includes a moral, something that is hard to find in Children’s books today. It tells the moral that if you care for others, they will care for you in return....
“Gimme-Jimmy” is a delightful children’s book written by Sherrill S. Cannon and illustrated by Kalpart. This is a great story to teach young children good manners, specifically not to be selfish. James, known as Jimmy, is a bully and demanding towards others. Others begin to...
Cindy Sawyer is a little girl who owns a pony named Pidgy. Because other children she admires now have horses, Cindy is dissatisfied with Pidgy and she daydreams about having a horse of her own rather than a pony. To Pidgy's Surprise, author and illustrator...
“With You Always,” written by Danielle Leibovici, LMFT, is a touching story that will be treasured by children and adults alike. A little boy is afraid one night and runs into his grandmother’s room. She comforts him by explaining that no one is ever alone...
"Pretty Dolls" by author and award-winning English teacher, Kimberly Dana, is a children's story about love, friendship and jealousy. This book reminded me of a combination of the movies 'Mean Girls' and 'Toy Story'. In "Pretty Dolls", young Tasha sleeps snuggled up with her favorite...