The Reel
The Reel by Amanda Miles revolves around Grace who needs to divert her attention from the sadness in her life. Grace has lost her mother and she has not gotten over it. Grace is in Ireland with her Aunt Mary for her holidays and she...
The Reel by Amanda Miles revolves around Grace who needs to divert her attention from the sadness in her life. Grace has lost her mother and she has not gotten over it. Grace is in Ireland with her Aunt Mary for her holidays and she...
Where Do They Go? (Part One) is a children's adventure mystery story written by B.D. Donaldson. Jaylen Williams has started noticing that his socks are disappearing while he sleeps. Mom is frustrated and suspicious. If Jaylen doesn't produce his missing socks soon, Mom will take...
Lights Out: Super Speed Sam, Book 6 of 12 is a children's educational storybook written by Monty J. McClaine. Sam is a basset hound who lives with his human family: Jack, Mom, Dad, and his special friend, baby Molly. Only Molly knows that Sam has...
Eli's 1st Winter Carnival by Lisa Bowen is a delightful tale of Elijah, whose friends and family call him Eli. He goes to his very first carnival with his parents and his brother, Isaiah, who had attended once before. Eli loves winter; it is his...
If a few kids read this book and start talking about it, there is no doubt in my mind that The Fire Ignites will be a huge success. A.D. Walker has put together the perfect combination of kids, villains, and crisis in The Fire Ignites,...
The Extraordinary Tales of Melody Magic: The Mermaids at Crystal Cove by Alex Woburn is the enchanting story of an adventurous young girl named Melody, who lives in South East London and has a strong love for nature and all things mystical and magical. While...
Dream World Defenders by Kathleen J. Shields is a story filled with adventure, fantasy, and whimsy, and will pull readers into the world of six kids - Blake, Justin, Kaylee, Owen, Parker, and Ryan - who find themselves in the dream world. They find themselves...
Thunder: An Elephant’s Journey by Erik Daniel Shein and L.M. Reker is an adorable story that revolves around a young pygmy forest elephant, Thunder, who is on a mission to find his mother, Serenity, after escaping from poachers. Thunder, along with Penelope the Parrot, escapes...
JB Michaels' sequel, The Tannenbaum Tailors and the Brethren of the Saints, builds upon the previous story, taking the characters to a new level of adventure. Relishing the victory of saving Santa’s magical Snowball, Captain Brendan’s Tannenbaum Tailors crew enjoys Christmas Day with Jack. Yet,...
PT Evans, author, and Jake Tashjian, illustrator, have presented the fourth book in their series - Emoji Adventures Volume 4: Reality TV. The story begins with twins Annie and Kevin arguing with Mom about who controls the television that day. Mom has invited her girlfriends...