Windel, The Witch & The Wizard

Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
320 Pages
Reviewed on 09/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

David E. Kinney’s Windel, The Witch & The Wizard follows the story of Windel, a former soldier injured in battle, who feels trapped in a life devoid of the adventure he once craved. That is until a mysterious doorway opens, drawing him into a fantastical world filled with magic and danger. There, Windel encounters a downcast wizard, a mythical cat, and a destiny far greater than he could have imagined. To save two worlds from the clutches of a powerful witch, Windel must discover the truth about who he really is—something even he doesn't know yet. This YA fantasy opens with a bleak and desolate scene in the Northern Kingdom, setting a somber tone that foreshadows the conflict and challenges ahead. This richly imagined world is a stark contrast to Windel’s ordinary existence, yet both are bound by a sense of hopelessness.

David E. Kinney masterfully introduces readers to an enchanted realm in disrepair, immediately drawing them into the stakes at hand. The slow-burning introduction of characters like Aithwen, the loyal elf, and Seneca, the mythical mountain cat, creates an atmosphere brimming with both mystery and heart, as we see how these companions assist Windel in his journey. Character development is a strong point in Kinney’s writing. Windel’s growth from a reluctant, disillusioned hero into a figure of hope is compelling, and the supporting cast adds depth and dimension to the plot. The rich details of the world and its history blend well with the fantastical elements, creating a tapestry of adventure that will keep readers engrossed until the last page. Windel, The Witch & The Wizard is a captivating fantasy that appeals to readers who enjoy stories of destiny, self-discovery, and a world where magic and reality collide.