Whose Life Are You Living?

Finding and Living Your Unique Purpose in Christ

Christian - Living
402 Pages
Reviewed on 02/07/2024
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Author Biography

Curt Martin is an award-winning author, speaker, seminar leader, and organization consultant. God has filled him with the passion to see every individual and organization become the unique and incredible masterpiece God designed. Little touches Him more than helping awaken all God placed within you, so you thrive in His freedom, purpose and power as you learn to Walk in God’s Spirit. Only those who commit to this personal and incredible journey experience the fullness of living God’s victorious life. They permit His Spirit to both transform them and accomplish His unique kingdom missions in and through them.

Curt has over forty-five years of successful experience in corporate business, private business consulting, and Christian ministry involvement at all levels. Together with His wife, Joanne, he serves in pre-marriage mentoring and facilitating marriage development seminars. Much of His focus is now on God’s call to encourage and support life-transformation. He walks with individuals and facilitates groups as they engage God’s personal, biblical journey of walking with His Spirit through Curt’s, God-inspired and award-winning book, “Whose Life Are You Living?”

Curt and his wife, Joanne, celebrate over fifty years of marriage and reside near Lancaster, Pennsylvania. They are blessed to be included in the lives of their three children’s families. Joanne and Curt love active exploration of God’s outdoors, with special focus on forests, mountains, and lakes. Their favorites include wildlife encounters within the African bush and U.S. national parks.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Whose Life Are You Living? Finding and Living Your Unique Purpose in Christ is a work of non-fiction in the religion, devotional writing, and life advice subgenres. It is suitable for the general adult reading audience and was penned by author Curt P. Martin. This dedicated work invites readers on a profound exploration of living a purposeful life in Christ. The book challenges the notion of an average Christian life and urges a deeper understanding of one's unique design in Christ. Martin's narrative unfolds as a biblical adventure, where Jesus beckons readers to discover their identity in His eyes and embrace the fullness of God's love. The author skillfully navigates away from presenting mere formulas or religious behaviors, opting for a personal journey with the Holy Spirit.

Author Curt P. Martin’s passionate narration of his subject matter offers a transformative experience for devout readers that’s sure to be enjoyed over and over again. Martin's approach is refreshing, emphasizing a genuine relationship with Christ over rigid doctrines, all penned in a friendly and confident style that exudes positivity. The narrative is a call to awaken to one's unique purpose and live a life aligned with God's will, penned in accessible language so that readers at all levels of spirituality can get something out of it. The emphasis on living Christ's life, free from the constraints of societal expectations, resonates powerfully as the book fosters introspection and a renewed perspective on the Christian journey. Overall, I would certainly recommend Whose Life Are You Living? as a heartfelt exploration that extends beyond religious norms, encouraging readers to embrace the transformative power of living in Christ.

Luwi Nyakansaila

Whose Life Are You Living? by Curt P. Martin answers questions about what it means to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh, and how to stand firm in the Lord without compromising with worldly teachings. The author explains that every person is uniquely created with a specific mission in God's Kingdom, and having a personal relationship with Christ can help you discover what purpose you are meant to serve. By building your life on God’s Biblical truths and trusting in his everlasting love, you will gain spiritual discernment and not just be a member of the Christian club. The Christian journey is not an easy one. It is full of challenges and obstacles and to live a Christian life that glorifies God and does not just please people, one must trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit and not rely on their abilities. The author discusses various topics such as prayer, faith, spiritual gifts, spiritual warfare, victory, and several others that will help you live confidently as Christ's masterpiece.

Whose Life Are You Living? is a lesson-packed book that delves into the Christian journey and how to surrender to God's will. Curt P. Martin discusses many topics that are often avoided by Christians who fear condemnation. He addresses issues such as the pressure to conform to cultural views and comparing one's spiritual experiences with those of others. The author shares examples from his life and the lives of other believers to explain the unique journey each person is meant to have and the different missions that God has for us. The book is well-written, with engaging humor and many relatable examples. It has a consistent format, and each chapter ends with an application section to help readers implement the lessons learned. I highly recommend this book to anyone struggling on their Christian journey, who desires to walk with the Spirit and live as God's unique masterpiece.

Asher Syed

In Whose Life Are You Living? Finding and Living Your Unique Purpose in Christ by Curt P. Martin, the focus is on aligning life with God's purpose for fulfillment in Christ. Martin covers diverse but interconnected themes, such as salvation misconceptions, prayer, spiritual warfare, and understanding God. He champions discerning God's voice amid pressures, surrendering to His will, self-understanding, and embracing purpose. Martin tackles difficult topics like the flesh vs. the spirit struggle, urging confession, repentance, and connection with the Spirit. Martin also shines a light on living under the Spirit for growth, church challenges, biblical truths, and manifesting the Fruits of the Spirit. As Martin continues, he speaks of spiritual gifts, the spiritual realm, and engaging in God's assignments. Finally, he advocates for believers' transformation, healing, growth in a Spirit-led life, perseverance, and purpose-driven living.

Whose Life Are You Living? by Curt P. Martin is incredibly comprehensive and will not only take time to read and absorb but also encourage us to go back and revisit areas we might particularly struggle with. The formatting is simple enough to make this easy, and I can say this confidently, as a non-Christian who went into this book knowing almost nothing and walked away feeling like I had learned a great deal. What I liked most is that Martin writes in a conversational style that often felt like a chat with a friend. Yes, a friend who knows a great deal and who backs up everything he says with scripture. My daughter calls this “keeping the receipts,” and the authority Martin's messaging commands is strengthened through the direct relation he adheres to in the Bible. I think this book will resonate successfully with Christian readers who are looking for a devotional with a lot of depth, but I also think it will be equally appreciated by those, such as myself, who are interested in theological studies by an author of merit. Very highly recommended.