What Won't Die

Christian - Fiction
309 Pages
Reviewed on 06/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

What Won't Die is a work of fiction penned by author Ashea Goldson in the Christian fiction, interpersonal drama, and inspirational stories genres. Readers are introduced to Gabrielle Mcbay, who loses her husband and son in a fatal car accident, leading her to abandon her home, career, and faith. As the story unfolds, she spends two years in a homeless shelter, broken and disconnected. When Devin Ramos, a high school teacher, begins volunteering at the shelter, he challenges her to represent his troubled student. Gabrielle must decide whether to embrace God's restorative power and help the student or protect her heart by remaining withdrawn.

Author Ashea Goldson crafts an emotionally rich and spiritually uplifting read. Gabrielle Mcbay's profound loss and subsequent retreat from life and faith were portrayed with raw authenticity, making her journey deeply relatable as we get a close look at her thoughts and feelings through excellent narration and point of view. The depiction of her time in the homeless shelter highlighted the depth of her brokenness and the difficulty of overcoming such profound grief, which is a highly relatable topic that is never over-sensationalized or belittled. Devin Ramos' introduction as a dedicated teacher brought a refreshing dynamic to the story, with strong attitude shifts and new, interesting dialogue dynamics as his challenge to Gabrielle ignited a spark of hope and purpose within her again. The tension between Gabrielle's fear of further pain and the potential for spiritual and personal restoration through God's power was poignantly explored, and readers will get a lot out of this complexity whether they are religious or not. This novel also beautifully illustrates the themes of faith, redemption, and the resilience of the human spirit with a strong sense of pacing and a confident storytelling power that keeps you engaged and moved throughout. Overall, I would certainly recommend What Won't Die as a must-read for fans of uplifting and intriguing dramas.