We're The Same, We're Different and We All Belong

Children - Picture Book
32 Pages
Reviewed on 09/28/2023
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Author Biography

KayJay Miller has been... a Caribbean child dancing in full carnival costume, an Oxford student cycling everywhere and an award-winning writer (theater, film and children's TV). She is now Mom to an amazing, cheeky 6 year old and an author of kids' books that are a force for good.

She writes Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) children's books that help parents and teachers bond more deeply with their children and facilitate crucial conversations that they may never have had otherwise. These books help nurture happy, mindful, resilient and compassionate children that have the tools to live their best lives.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Kristine Zimmerman for Readers' Favorite

We're the Same, We're Different and We All Belong by KayJay Miller is a beautiful picture book that embraces the differences that make us unique. Six-year-old Marnie is our guide through this story. She shares the wisdom she has learned from her Mama, that everyone has many layers to them. People are more than what you see on the outside. Marnie jubilantly shares the things she loves about herself. She celebrates her thick, beautiful hair, that she can do difficult things (even if they are scary), and her self-confidence. Marnie also talks about a time when people judged her based on her looks alone and how that made her feel. Throughout the story, kids are encouraged to answer questions about what makes them unique.

KayJay Miller's We're the Same, We're Different and We All Belong is one of the best books I've read about celebrating and respecting diversity. Everything about this book is top-notch. Marnie is a character that kids will immediately want as their friend. She is confident yet also vulnerable and engaging. The illustrations are vibrant and full of life and emotions. I love how they are sprinkled throughout the text in addition to the full-color pages. The layout of this book is so inviting with varied text sizes and formatting. The message of diversity and acceptance is woven expertly throughout the story. KayJay Miller has crafted a luminous character in Marnie. I hope to see her in future stories. As a retired children's librarian, I've read thousands of picture books, and We're the Same, We're Different and We All Belong is one of the best.

Ann Linus

One thing does not define who we are, but we often make our judgments of people based on one thing. In We’re The Same, We’re Different and We All Belong by KayJay Miller, Marnie shows how everybody is the same in their uniqueness. Marnie is a smart, beautiful girl with a very charming smile. She is a product of two races and has been treated unkindly because of her unique physical features. But she is more than what people can see, so she decides to introduce herself, especially on the things the eyes cannot see. After learning from Marnie, young readers would be able to answer questions about themselves better.

We’re The Same, We’re Different and We All Belong by KayJay Miller is an inspiring and educational book. It centers on acceptance, a social issue that affects both old and young, and there are several values to learn from it, including kindness, understanding, self-appreciation, etc. The narrative unfolds as an interactive conversation with Marnie, which is followed by simple but interesting questions that took my mind on an adventure. This unique story’s appeal is enhanced with charming pictures and aesthetically pleasing formatting. The book portrays inclusivity by including pictures of practically every skin tone and hair texture, and I appreciate the effort that must have gone into achieving such details. I loved the subject matter and presentation of this book, and I recommend it. With proper guidance, this book will send young readers on an adventure of self-discovery and acceptance for themselves as well as others.

Miche Arendse

We're The Same, We're Different and We All Belong by KayJay Miller is a wonderful book following a little six-year-old girl named Marnie as she talks about herself and what makes her uniquely Marnie. From her height to her skin tone and to the fun and cute hairstyles she can create, every part of her makes up the whole that is Marnie. What about you? What things comprise all the parts that are uniquely you?

I genuinely found We're The Same, We're Different and We All Belong by KayJay Miller to be such an amazing children’s book for several reasons. Not only does it teach children to love who they are despite whatever little differences they have from those around them but it also teaches inclusivity and acceptance. Oftentimes children may not be exposed to people who look different to them or have different beliefs but addressing things like that in this book allows parents to have open discussions with their children. I also found the illustrations for this book to be absolutely beautiful and bright, displaying various children from different ethnic backgrounds, religious backgrounds, and even with different disabilities. The book is inclusive and allows for open consideration of others which I feel is very important to instill in children. The manner in which it is done was also clearly well thought out and I think Miller did a fantastic job. This book is definitely one that parents should read with their children.

Pikasho Deka

Learn a thing or two about diversity and how it makes us unique yet still similar to the people around us in We're the Same, We're Different and We All Belong. Written by KayJay Miller, this colorful children's picture book follows the story of a six-year-old girl named Marnie. Marnie is a high-spirited young girl born to a Jamaican mother and an American father. After being made fun of in her new school because of her skin color, Marnie decides to tell everyone who she really is. Marnie has beautiful curly black hair, which she uses for many different hairstyles, including the Afro. She wants a fluffy cat named Joey Sparkle, and when she grows up, she is determined to become a superhero or a dancer at a carnival in the Caribbean. So what's your story?

There is not a single trait that defines who you are, but rather, it's all your features, including your personality, desires, and actions that come together to make the unique person that is you. Author KayJay Miller underlines this poignant message in We're the Same, We're Different and We All Belong. This book celebrates diversity, showcasing how it brings people closer from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds to form a truly vibrant society. The story is told through the perspective of a six-year-old girl, and it helps make the subject matter relatable to readers 3-7 years old. The illustrations are vivid, and they make the characters shine. Children are bound to love them. Overall, a wholesome book with an even more wonderful message.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

We’re all different; that’s just the way things are. “Being different doesn’t make someone weird, it just makes them different.” And special, too. That’s what KayJay Miller shares in We’re the Same, We’re Different and We All Belong. It’s a story of a little girl by the name of Marnie. She’s in kindergarten, but she already has an important story to share: her story. “Mama says everyone has a story. We’re like books with lots of pages.” It’s this story that defines us, not the color of our skin, the thickness of our hair, or whether we walk on two legs or have to use a wheelchair to get around. Marnie knows all about differences, and some of her unique qualities have caused other children to be mean, call her names, and tell her they don’t want to play with her because of her differences.

KayJay Miller’s picture book story, We’re the Same, We’re Different and We All Belong, is a sweet story with a powerful message about acceptance. The story is told in the first-person narrative from Marnie’s point of view. I like the way the story begins with a simple question, “Who am I?” and then Marnie goes on to share her story, defining who she is while also comparing her to other children. The language is simple to appeal to a young reader and the author uses various techniques to make the story come alive in its presentation on the page. The illustrations are spectacular and are an added visual bonus to this book. While Marnie shares her story, she also asks the reader to share theirs, making this a clever, interactive story to get young readers to open up about their experiences. A beautiful story.