
A Comprehensive guide to Understanding, Managing, and Overcoming Depression

Non-Fiction - Self Help
198 Pages
Reviewed on 07/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Francis Mont for Readers' Favorite

Undepressed by Waleed Mahmud is a goldmine of information about all aspects of the mental illness called depression. The book is organized into two major parts: Understanding and personally coping with the disease on one hand, and then describing the professional help available through consultation, medication, and therapy on the other. Throughout the book, the author constantly emphasizes the role that family, friends, and the community can play in helping the sufferer, without judgment and the often present stigma attached to the disease. This book was written by someone who had personal experience with all aspects of depression and, through perseverance and determination, managed to overcome the debilitating effects that threatened both his sanity and his life.

If I wanted to find the proper adjectives to describe this book I would call it thorough, convincing, extremely helpful, and potentially a lifesaver for people trying to cope with depression. However, Undepressed goes way beyond what a clinical text could provide because, through personal anecdotes and examples from his own life, Waleed Mahmud reaches out to a wider audience than the sufferers of this disease: all kinds of people, from all walks of life, can benefit from the coping techniques he describes. I found it practical and instantly useful in my own life even though I am not and have never been clinically depressed but have been constantly disturbed by the daily news bombarding me about the world we live in. I very highly recommend Undepressed to anyone who feels overwhelmed by the Herculean task of coping with the disease and even with our depressing reality.