Reviewed by Lexie Fox for Readers' Favorite
Con Trong Bui is the insightful author of Truthful Misconceptions, a non-fiction book in the religious and philosophical genres. Exploring the concept of God prior to the creation of the earth and the heavens, this book asks and considers some fascinating questions that I’d personally never considered since the bulk of Christian theology is focused on what came after the act of creation rather than before it. One particular strong point of this work is the attention to detail given to scripture and the fascinating deductions and extrapolations that the author is able to make from the small scraps of information often overlooked by fellow theologians.
Truthful Misconceptions aims to be an accessible book even for people who haven’t studied the Bible, which makes it an excellent tool for inter-faith dialogue. By breaking down the scripture that it focuses on, sometimes to the level of looking at the meanings of individual words, the work opens itself up to people without the benefit of prior knowledge of the Bible and its significance. Con Trong Bui’s insights into the philosophical ideas behind the writings within the Bible often transcend religious debate and open the reader up to exciting ideas about the world they live in. Additionally, their willingness to defy conventional thinking and established ideas about scripture creates a work of theological and spiritual discussion. A champion of both new ideas and modernizing old ones to make sense in our modern world, I recommend this book to anyone with an interest in studying the Bible beyond what it says on the surface.