Time to Really Live Free

Christian - Non-Fiction
129 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2023
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Author Biography

An award winning Christian author helping people know who God is and who they are in him through the lens of grace in the New Covenant.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Darlene Gaston was a devoted Christian who loved God and did her best to live a perfect life. She tried hard to prove her worth to receive his love and favor. The church she attended had rules that did not align with the word of God, and she felt like she was performing and living a fake life. Fortunately, she received a revelation that opened her eyes to God's unconditional love and grace. Time to Really Live Free is a book that documents the lessons she learned from her revelation. Her newfound knowledge led her church to turn on her, but this did not stop her new way of living. She began to relearn what having a meaningful relationship with God meant. Her understanding of sin, forgiveness, the law, and grace were restructured, and her life of freedom in Christ began.

Time to Really Live Free is a comprehensive study of the difference between doctrine-driven and spirit-driven lifestyles. Most churches today have doctrines to keep their congregants in line with fear and class sins in different categories, which are all man-based beliefs. Darlene Gaston addresses these ideologies that kept her and her family in bondage and debunks them with Bible scriptures. Her work is well-researched, with references and original scripture definitions. The book is easy to understand and has graphs, charts, and tables that visualize what the author explains. The book also has beautiful designs and clear images that correspond perfectly with the text. I loved reading this book and recommend it to anyone who wishes to understand what it means to have freedom in Jesus.


Darlene’s courage to break free from the spiritual chains of religion and to the place where Gods true freedom lies, has lead so many others, including myself, to that very place, and it is a place of love first and foremost, true freedom, and abundant joy! She has paved the way for so many who were/are afraid to travel that road for fear of disapproval or the fear that they can’t hear God. She reminds us that we ALL hear Him and that we ALL have the direct line to the throne.!


Great Book, i could tell that the author worked hard and enjoys sharing the truth with as many people as she can. Thank you for sharing with us all.


This is one of the most eye opening books I’ve ever read. You can tell that the author really has an understanding on how to truly walk in freedom with the Lord. The understanding of who she is and who’s she is, really helps us be able to walk through our journeys with the Lord free from all the condemnation that the enemy tries to trap us in. This is a must read and brings freedom to those on this journey.


10/10. This book is a must read for anyone who has struggled with feelin inadequate in their walk with God. Cover to cover it will uncover how you perceive your walk with God, how you view yourself in that walk, and how to move forwards in freedom with Jesus. This book really got me to break down my own relationship with God, to not make it religion, but to actually make it a real living breathing experience with the Father. Time to really live free in your own life with Jesus.

Melanie Prinz

This book is eye opening! It brings light and understanding to what so many people who genuinely love God and serve in church experience. Our freedom lies in knowing how much God loves us and is NOT tied to our performance in church or the view of church leadership. The truths presented in the book open us up to really serving God from the heart . Tradition and chains that actually keep you from realizing what you have in Christ can be released. It’s exciting to see that there is so much more love and freedom waiting. This book will help you learn and grow in relationship with God. Enjoy!


Highly recommend this book. It’s written with such Grace and Love. You will gain so much understanding and wisdom to walk along side Jesus completely free in his Grace. It’s an easy book to read with huge rewards of freedom from religion. Well done Darlene!


You can tell this author really pours her heart out into her books. God speaks through her, and she articulates and writes it in a way that is filled with love and passion. You will be left feeling encouraged and closer to God than before. If you want to start living in freedom, then this is an amazing place to start. I highly recommend.

Very insightful and enlightening

My eyes were opened in ways I never expected while reading this book. I truly appreciate the dedication of the author in making sure we were given the opportunity to learn truths we may have never known otherwise. To learn how to live free knowing God loves us no matter what.

Carolyn J. Bean

Have read this book 4 times is well written and just flows. Have been touched as i was reading it myself a couple of times now. Recommend it to anyone ,who is struggling in their walk with Jesus.