'Till Beth Do Us Part

Fiction - Crime
449 Pages
Reviewed on 09/06/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

'Till Beth Do Us Part by Rochelle Ransom is a family mystery. Peyton’s mother Beth was murdered more than a decade before, and she hoped to solve the crime. Peyton read through her mother’s old journals, trying to understand the events of the night that her mother was killed. Peyton had never met her father and hoped to find clues to his identity, as she was determined to find him. Together with her best friend Tristan, and Chance, a recent acquaintance who had since become a friend, Peyton examined the theories about what might have happened. After many false starts and dead ends, Peyton discovered papers that her mother left in the attic that revealed the startling truth. Many of Peyton’s family members confessed that they had lied to her, and she learns that her small-town life was not as it seemed.

The plot in ‘Till Beth Do Us Part by Rochelle Ransom is straightforward and exciting. I was in for a roller coaster ride of fears, the dynamics of late adolescence, hope, and murder. The devoted group of friends who brave the ups and downs of courting and the bittersweet emotions brought on by the end of high school life captured my attention. All the twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat. I learned about Beth and her past through her journal entries. The story alternates between Beth in the past and Peyton in the present. The characters were authentic and robust. Sensitive topics like aging, dementia, and betrayal were handled tactfully. The story is brilliantly written, and it exceeded my expectations by far. The uncovering of the truth was a major and shocking development.