This Animal Body

Fiction - Animals
345 Pages
Reviewed on 10/12/2023
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Author Biography

Growing up in Atlanta, Meredith often wandered nearby forests looking for animals and magic and writing stories about what she found. After getting a BA in literature from UC Berkeley, she spent 10 years trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. Her adventures included volunteering for a nonprofit in Mexico, getting an MBA, and working for a social enterprise startup. Her short story collection, The Adventures of Little One, was published in 2018. Eventually, she moved back east to be close to her human and non-human family. She now lives in Atlanta, working as a life/career coach helping others rediscover their lost magic, and writing stories about what she finds on her wanders through the woods.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Frankie starts making unusual breakthroughs in her research on the brain activity of animals to the surprise of both her friends and her colleagues. They do not know that she has an interesting gift that allows her to communicate with the animals and insects she finds around her. What she views as nothing more than a passing activity takes a serious turn when these animals press her to look deeper into her origins as they know something about her that she needs to discover for herself. This leads her on a journey across the country to find the truth behind the unusual circumstances surrounding her birth in This Animal Body by Meredith Walters.

A young woman comes to terms with her present circumstances by making peace with her past in This Animal Body by Meredith Walters. Her storyline reads like an alternative version of Doctor Dolittle where the comedic behavior is replaced with intelligent, mind-blowing science cloaked in an aura of mystery. Breaking down the motivations of the principal character is quite a process as Frankie's attitude and actions whenever she is near Brian give the distinct feeling she is not certain what she wants from him. The icing on the cake has to be Frankie's conversations with the animals. Just the thought of a highly intellectual chat with a cockroach who happens to be well-versed in all things concerning evolution is a tantalizing prospect that tickles the imagination. Despite much activity surrounding Frankie's search for her birth parents, Walters is still able to blend in subplots on romance and animal safety to give the overall story some very impressive depth. This Animal Body is an interesting book told from a viewpoint that will pique the interest of the avid magical realism fan.