They Write Your Name on a Grain of Rice

On Cancer, Love, and Living Even So

Non-Fiction - Memoir
224 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

They Write Your Name on a Grain of Rice: On Cancer, Love, and Living Even So is a work of non-fiction in the memoir, medicine, and inspirational subgenres. It is best suited to mature readers owing to some reference to sexual situations and the use of some explicit language. Penned by author Lori Jakiela, the work is a unique and deeply personal exploration of life, love, and mortality. While cancer is a central theme, the book transcends the typical boundaries of a cancer memoir. Instead, it presents a mosaic of moments, memories, and musings that capture the essence of a life lived fully, from family and genetics to the Rust Belt and EPA clean-up zones, creating a tapestry of stories that reflect the messiness of being human.

Author Lori Jakiela has crafted a deeply engaging memoir in which the writing is a delightful blend of humor and introspection, even on some truly tough topics. Her writing style toys with the classic stream-of-consciousness authorship, inviting readers to experience the meandering thoughts and emotions of a mind grappling with a breast cancer diagnosis, but she also knows when to draw us back into clarity with sharp precision. The book's experimental form, part new essays, and part memoir, challenges traditional storytelling and offers a fresh perspective on age-old questions about life, love, and the art of living. It's a celebration of the small, quirky moments that define our existence and a reminder that even in the face of adversity, life can be beautifully chaotic. Overall, They Write Your Name on a Grain of Rice is a truly unforgettable read that touches the heart and tickles the funny bone, and it’s a book that I would certainly recommend to one and all.