The Unopened Present

Non-Fiction - Parenting
160 Pages
Reviewed on 01/15/2024
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Author Biography

Richard is an award winning author of 11 books.

Richard is a public speaker and trainer for more than 30 years on topics including motivation, leadership, sales and faith.

Richard Battle was a corporate executive with more than 40 years of experience in sales, executive management and leadership in various business entities.

He was appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry to The Texas Judicial Council and The Texas Emerging Technology Fund.

He served on the board of directors of Alpha Kappa Psi, international professional business fraternity, and was a past chairman.

As president of the Austin Junior Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce recognized the chapter as the Most Outstanding chapter in the United States, and the Junior Chamber of Commerce International recognized Richard as the Outstanding Chapter President in the world.

He has served on the board of many organizations including The John Ben Shepperd Public Leadership Foundation, Boy Scouts of America, Muscular Dystrophy Association and Keep Austin Beautiful.

Not immune to challenges, Richard experienced financial ruin with the Texas real estate collapse in the 1980’s, divorce, experienced two heart procedures, survived cancer and his the most significant loss of all, the death of his only son.

Richard’s mission is to share timeless positive messages of proven principles helping people win every day.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Richard V. Battle reveals the forty-three lessons he penned in December 1997 to his six-month-old son, John. In his book, The Unopened Present, Battle reinforces spiritual truths he learned from life experiences. The author was unaware that his son would never see the letter, as he died a few months later, but Battle presents it as a gift to his readers. He expands on the lessons he wrote for John, adding scriptures from the Bible and applicable stories to enhance the message. After each point, he provides space for you to relate the lesson to your life and reflect upon it later.

John may never see the words his father penned for his benefit, but others may embrace the lessons and live a more fruitful life. Richard V. Battle presents true gems to his readers, and they apply to any generation. Quotes from the Bible, football coaches, and other successful figures strengthen his messages and support the value of each topic. As a mother of seven children, the description of his book grabbed my attention and his words resonated with me. It's beautiful that he can share his son's story through his work, inspiring and motivating others the way he would have encouraged his late son. Battle passes on wise lessons others may want to extend to their children or young relatives for guidance. The Unopened Present would be a perfect gift for them to pass to those they will leave behind when God calls them home.