The Severance

Fiction - Action
288 Pages
Reviewed on 11/11/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Paul Johnson for Readers' Favorite

The Severance is the story of an army platoon made up of bitter misfits, whose past disciplinary actions led the Army to put them into a special unit, the Kodiak Platoon is assigned one dirty mission after another.

The platoon leader, Captain Jake Roberts, a man with some baggage of his own. On patrol in the Afghan mountains, they discover a large cache of American dollars hidden by a corrupt contractor. Their plan is simple, hide it and later smuggle it out of the country when they are sent home for discharge. They call it their severance pay package. But, like all simple plans, it’s not that simple. Someone has found out about The Severance package and wants to hijack it.

Could this person be one of them, another soldier at their base, or even Jake’s latest girlfriend? Someone tries to kill Jake and some of his men while they try to protect their secret. With little time left before they are rotated out, they must determine the identity of their adversary before it’s too late.

The Severance is a well written tale with stirring action scenes, realistic dialog, and outstanding characterization. An engaging plot and strong characters made for a compelling read, showing a well developed description of military life on the battlefield and beyond. I was caught up in the story very quickly and found that I couldn't put this book down after I started reading. Well done.