The New Life Blueprint

A 21st Century Guide for Success, Health, Wealth, and Happiness in a Complex World

Non-Fiction - Motivational
264 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Many Americans feel they have received a good education but cannot find a good job. Others have enjoyed the benefits of a profitable occupation, but retirement seems miles away when they reach retirement age. These individuals have structured their lives based on the declining view of the American dream. In The New Life Blueprint, Natalie Peart helps readers accept that the definition of success has changed, discover what they want from the world, learn to evolve and adapt, and discover a new approach to attain their needs and desires. Written in three parts, Peart outlines the historical and economic shifts that have changed the way to success, the knowledge needed for the future, and the action that must be taken to shift into the new mentality.

Natalie Peart discusses the expectations versus the reality of education, job security, and traditional retirement. Peart presents true stories of struggling Americans who had hoped to live the American dream but are drowning in inflation. The author guides you through a new blueprint that offers sustainability and life navigation skills. Peart provides the basics, new goals, and how to achieve them, and since she is a leadership and performance consultant for Fortune 1000 companies and small businesses, readers can trust her assessments. I knew something was wrong with my worldview when I obtained a master's degree but could only get a retail or fast-food position. Now that I've read Peart's book, I realize the need to adapt continuously to the current market and build my skills. The New Life Blueprint is a great book for readers ready for health, wealth, and happiness while accounting for the reality of the current paradigm.