The Legend of Deputy Jim

The Last Enemy Series Prequel

Fiction - Action
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 09/17/2019
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Author Biography

Dan Hendrickson was born in Sheridan Wyoming near the rustic Big Horn mountain range in 1962 to Carl and Helen Hendrickson. Dan went to school in the Sheridan School District graduating from Sheridan High School in 1981. He spent his athletic time participating in boxing, martial arts, wrestling and a little track. His father Carl owned a small eight lane bowling alley that he ran until Dan was 12 years old. After losing the business to the bank he was forced to go back to school and finish his masters in English. Dan picked up on his father’s love of the written word and enrolled in Casper Community College in 1982 majoring in journalism. Although he found that he had an aptitude for investigative reporting he decided that his desires lied in other areas. He went on to do much volunteer Christian ministry work throughout the United States most of his adult life and continues to pursue those endeavors to this day. During that time he gained another degree in Practical Theology and throughout his many ministry assignments work several secular jobs. Most notable were his auto detailing endeavors. He and his wife Cheryl have owned three different detailing businesses throughout the country the last of which they still run to this day. Recently he has returned to his passion of telling stories and has several books in the process of being published.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Joshua Soule for Readers' Favorite

“You’re a hero, Jim, plain and simple. But that ain’t necessarily a good thing either.” The Legend of Deputy Jim is the thrilling story of Jim Edwards, working for the Sheridan County, Wyoming Sheriff’s Department in the 1970s. His tale is anything but normal; day one of his career is already filled with the dangerous involvement of the Wild Wolves, a notorious motorcycle gang. A dispute between law enforcement and outlaws is not all that Deputy Jim finds himself involved in - the ties of the Wolves run deep into their cartel drug suppliers and corrupted politicians on the payroll. Jim struggles to do the right thing, fulfill his duty, be a protector, and come out of a death trap alive as the story climaxes toward a dangerous showdown from the outlaw bikers, particularly Grinder, who want him dead. This action-packed novel will have you on the edge of your seat.

Reading The Legend of Deputy Jim was a pleasure, to say the least. Dan E. Hendrickson has done an incredible job of creating a thrilling story with vivid and relatable characters. Hendrickson has clearly poured passion into his work that comes alive in the characters. I laughed, I sat at the edge of my seat, I worried about the wellbeing of the characters. I found it extremely difficult to stop reading once I started. I became emotionally attached, and the story stuck with me long after I put the book down. The Legend of Deputy Jim truly is a once in a lifetime type of novel, and it is highly recommended!

Grant Leishman

The Legend of Deputy Jim: The Last Enemy Series Prequel by Dan E. Hendrickson takes us back in time to 1974, small-town Wyoming, Sheridan where young Jim Edwards, recently married and father of one, is about to embark on his chosen career as a Sheriff’s Deputy in the small town. Wyoming and other states in the region were prey to roving, violent criminal biker gangs in the early ’70s, hell-bent on destruction and the establishment of drug-making and smuggling operations from Mexico and for the infamous Medellin Cartel from Colombia. It is into this volatile world that the father of the “Hero of Cozumel”, Jacob Edwards, walks. Jim’s new job with the Sheriff’s Department starts with a confrontation and physical beating of one of the biker gang’s most feared lieutenants, an ex-special forces operative who goes by the moniker of Grinder. It’s personal now for Grinder as he and the gang plan to murder Jim, rape his wife, Linda, and then kill her and his son. One thing the gang needs to learn is that you don’t threaten Jim Edwards’ family and walk away scot-free.

If you haven’t read any of The Last Enemy Series (I have read all three), it really doesn’t matter when it comes to enjoying this action-packed journey into a time so many of us remember; the '70s. Hendrickson does an excellent job of dropping important little bits of information into the narrative to help any new reader to make sense of the story. Bike gangs, their violence, and the fear they instilled in communities all over the U.S. just by their mere appearance are the stuff of legends and this story is one that will resonate with many who lived through that period. I’ve read all four of Hendrikson’s books now and have watched the author develop and grow as a writer. This story is well-written and flows beautifully. The action is non-stop and makes it very difficult for the reader to put the book down. The character of Jim was well drawn and although he is clearly a brave and heroic figure, we are also privy to his weaknesses. I particularly enjoyed the sweet synchronicities between the stories of Jim and his son, Jacob. Needless to say, they tied this prequel together with The Last Enemy Trilogy beautifully. This is a fantastic read from an author who has much to offer in the action genre. I genuinely look forward to his next offering with excitement.

Lesley Jones

In The Legend of Deputy Jim by Dan E. Hendrickson, readers learn that long before Commander Jacob Edwards became infamous as the Hero of Cozumel by defeating a notorious pirate, his father Jim also faced death many years ago. When Jim was 70 years old, he headed a dangerous escape plan to rescue his family being held hostage in a maximum-security prison. But who exactly is Jim Edwards and what secrets in his past is he trying to keep hidden? In 1974, Jim and his wife Linda and little Jacob arrive in Sheridan Wyoming where Jim takes up his post of Deputy Sheriff. The town has been overrun by a vicious gang called the Wild Wolves, headed by the calculating and callous Seth. After an altercation with gang member and second in command Grinder, Jim's life is now in danger as they plot the most effective way to rid the town of this interfering deputy. Grinder makes it his ultimate goal to eliminate Jim and take his wife for his own warped pleasure. Jim must prepare himself for the biggest battle in his life. Who wants victory more and who is willing to sacrifice the most to get it?

Having read previous books in this series, it was really interesting to learn the background of Jim and his wife and to see the characteristics of Jacob as a child. However, after saying that, this book is so well written and can easily be enjoyed as a stand-alone novel. The characters played really well off one another and the dialogue highlighted their personalities perfectly. I loved the relationship dynamics between Jim and Grinder; they were both hot-headed and the battle of wits between them was superb. I also enjoyed the tender moments Jim shared with his wife and son, as they showed another aspect to Jim's personality. The tension was perfectly placed in the storyline and the plot moved continuously forward, so my engagement in the story was never lost. There were some uncomfortable moments throughout, especially the scenes between the Wild Wolves and the young gang, but it made the Wild Wolves' detestable morals that more believable. Grinder was a vile character through and through. I thought the way the author tied all the subplots together with the main plot so effortlessly was fantastic. The ending was powerful and explosive. Another excellent novel from this talented author.

K.C. Finn

The Legend of Deputy Jim is a work of action and adventure fiction penned by author Dan E. Hendrickson and forms the prequel novel to The Last Enemy Series. Where The Last Enemy focuses on Commander Jacob Edwards, the infamous Hero of Cozumel, this prequel takes us back to the 1970s to explore the tale of Jacob’s father, Jim Edwards. Deputy Jim’s story takes us to Wyoming, to a world where biker gangs caused violence and terror wherever they pulled up. The Wild Wolves are one such gang that gets into an altercation with Jim, resulting in him ending up on their hit list. With a young family to protect, Jim must find the best way to defuse this explosive situation.

This short, sharp prequel has much to offer fans who have already enjoyed the high stakes action and adventurous stories of author Dan E. Hendrickson. I recognize glimmers of Jacob Edwards in the story of his father, but they are marvelously distinctive heroes with different approaches to their problems and their solutions. Jim’s hot-headedness is powerfully portrayed, making him an imperfect and highly relatable hero as his emotional arc and attachment to his wife and child unfold. The villains are drawn with great details, teeming with violent possibilities and dark motivations, and the numerous clashes and showdowns keep the plot moving at a rocketing pace that fans of The Last Enemy series will enjoy. Overall, The Legend of Deputy Jim is a fun and ferocious prequel that certainly whets the appetite for more.

Astrid Iustulin

The Legend of Deputy Jim by Dan E. Hendrickson is one of those novels where suspense and action color the storyline with incredible turns of events. The plot revolves around Jim Edwards, the seventy-year-old father of hero Jacob Edwards. He recently saved his son and family in Central America, but this was not his first act of courage. Several years before, Jim worked as a sheriff deputy in Wyoming, but there are no records of what he did there. As it turns out, he had some serious trouble with a dangerous biker gang. The bikers not only committed crimes, but they hated Jim personally after he beat one of their members. To get revenge, they threatened Jim's wife and son. Jim is a man with potential, but he has an impetuous nature, so the question is not “if” but “how” he would fight against his enemies.

I enjoyed reading The Legend of Deputy Jim. Past and present have a connection in this exciting novel. Hendrickson writes in an engaging way and represents the hero of the story without sensationalism. Jim is an extraordinary, brave human being who cares for those he loves and whose only flaw is to be impulsive. Jim Edwards is a remarkable protagonist, and we need more characters like him. The narrative is another great aspect of The Legend of Deputy Jim. Hendrickson represents a situation that becomes increasingly tense in a way that keeps the reader in suspense. This story is not over until the last page, where the eager reader finds an incredible revelation. The Legend of Deputy Jim is a book that every lover of action and fast-paced stories will like.

Trudi LoPreto

The Legend of Deputy Jim begins in 1972 with Major Joe Mason telling the people gathered in the bar of the legend of Deputy Jim. The action begins in Sheridan, Wyoming where there is a problem with the Wild Wolves biker gang. They enjoy killing and raping and causing trouble wherever they stop. Jim quickly becomes the new hero of the town when he becomes a deputy working along with Sheriff Manning and Lieutenant Al Freeburger. Jim’s sole mission, along with the rest of the force, is to stop the gang and they are willing to do anything necessary to accomplish this goal. Along the way, Jim finds out that they are not only a gang of bikers but they are also mixed up with a Mexican cartel and crooked politicians. Jim works to put an end to this situation as well. When one of the bikers, Grinder, begins to look at Jim’s family as a target, that is the last straw and Jim will not stop until the good guys win. Jim’s bravery and unrelenting dedication in putting an end to this problem give him the 'Legend' title.

The Legend of Deputy Jim is action-packed from beginning to end. It bounces back and forth between the actual events and the storytelling in a clear and easy format. It was impossible to put this book down because Dan E. Hendrickson created characters, a plot, and excitement that kept me up well past my bedtime and had me reading instead of doing my household chores. I was never sure what Deputy Jim would do next in his quest to get rid of the bikers and protect his family and his town, but it was always scary and he always had a plan. The Legend of Deputy Jim is a thrilling adventure/hero story that does not disappoint. It is a great book that must be read.

Rabia Tanveer

The Legend of Deputy Jim: The Last Enemy Series Prequel by Dan E. Hendrickson is an action-packed, fast-paced story of a man who became a legend and now the world gets to hear it. Set in 1974 in a small town of Wyoming, Jim Edwards was living a peaceful life with his beautiful wife and his little son. Life was good, he had a job that he loved, but fate seemed to have a different plan for him and his family. The peace of their little town is broken when a biker gang comes into their town and everything goes downhill from there. A confrontation leads to Jim beating a member (Grinder) of the biker gang and now the whole gang is after Jim and his family. They want him and his family dead, but they don’t know that as long as Jim is alive they cannot harm his family. And killing Jim is not that easy!

This is such an amazing action novel; it has suspense, it has drama and plenty of love to make it an instant hit. The pace is fast and allows the reader to soak up the information to become invested from the very first chapter. I loved the narrative and the author’s writing style. I enjoyed how the story progressed and I got to see different sides of Jim. He is a fierce protagonist, he is unashamed and unapologetic and I loved that about him. The author did an amazing job at creating a believable character, one who protects and loves with a fierce intensity. I enjoyed the story of Jim’s development, his desire to protect his family and the overall setup. This is a certified entertainer!

Ruffina Oserio

The Legend of Deputy Jim: The Last Enemy Series Prequel by Dan E. Hendrickson is a wonderful tale with a strong appeal to fans of westerns. Jim Edwards is an enigmatic character, referred to as a legend. Captain Tommy Williams, the retired Seal Team commander, is puzzled about him and is determined to uncover the truth. He can't find records of Jim at the time he served in the Sheriff's Department. In this novel, the secrets of the legend are uncovered as the story unfolds, unveiling the exploits of a man who stood up against a vicious gang, The Wild Wolves Biker, to protect his young and beautiful wife and his family. It is the same man who rescued his son and family from a maximum-security prison. A narrative with great action and unpredictable twists.

The Legend of Deputy Jim: The Last Enemy Series Prequel mixes drama with action to create the kind of entertainment readers long for in the genre. The characters are great and elaborately developed. There is something mysterious about Jim and loved how the author allows his personality to unveil, layer by layer, leaving readers with the exciting feeling that there is always something new to discover in this character. The writing is tight, littered with powerful descriptions and dialogues that are well crafted. Themes of family, love, duty, and the fight against crime are among the skillfully and elaborately developed ones. While Dan E. Hendrickson's gift for plot is strong, it is the way this author handles characters that won my heart.