The Last Red Wizard

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
136 Pages
Reviewed on 08/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Last Red Wizard is a children's comic book by Mike Gagnon and Matthew Courtney. Max's mischievous friend Sam steals figs from a merchant, and now he must take the blame. Chased around the streets by a group of angry merchants, Max finds sanctuary in the store of Doctor Rose, an apothecary, who somehow manages to send them back. Max soon discovers that Rose performs red magic, strictly forbidden by the king and the Blue Magi. Meanwhile, there is a deadly outbreak of an unknown disease all over the village. After Max helps Rose treat Mrs. Cobblesetin's young girl, the two discover the outbreak's source, only to be chased by the King's Guard. With the help of their friends, they must flee the village. But not everything goes according to plan.

Packed with action, mystery, and adventure, The Last Red Wizard is a coming-of-age tale for children and young adults alike. Mike Gagnon and Matthew Courtney have crafted an absorbing adventure yarn featuring a cast of compelling characters with distinct quirks and personalities who sneak their way into your heart before you even realize it. The authors move the plot at a brisk pace, and every turn of the page brings a new action sequence or a reveal that compels you to read further and find out what's going to happen next. The narrative is filled with doses of humor, suspense, and intrigue. Apart from Rose and Max's mentor/apprentice dynamic, I also enjoyed the lively roles of Sam and Hubert. In conclusion, this book is tailor-made for readers of action-adventure comic books and graphic novels. Children and young adult readers will have a blast with this one!

Foram Vyas

The Last Red Wizard by Mike Gagnon and Matthew Courtney is a thrilling adventure that sweeps readers into a world where magic is forbidden, and danger lurks around every corner. The story follows Max, a young boy whose life is turned upside down when a simple act of mischief leads him to Rose, the village apothecary with a secret past. As Max stumbles into her world, he discovers that Rose is not just a healer but a practitioner of Red Magic, an art that has long been outlawed. The arrival of the King’s Guard forces Max and Rose into a perilous situation, where they must choose between standing by their village or fleeing to save themselves. This tale is rich with elements of classic fantasy, combining the excitement of a fast-paced plot with the warmth of a coming-of-age story.

Mike Gagnon and Matthew Courtney have crafted a story that is both engaging and accessible, making The Last Red Wizard a delightful read for fans of fantasy. The plot is well-structured, keeping readers on their toes as the narrative unfolds with a sense of urgency that matches the characters’ predicaments. The pace is brisk, with plenty of action to keep the story moving forward, yet it doesn’t feel rushed. The characters are well-developed, especially Rose, whose wisdom and kindness make her a standout figure. The themes of good versus evil, the value of knowledge, and the struggle to do what’s right are explored thoughtfully, adding depth to the story. The artwork by Onofrio Orlando, Chiara Madonia, and Danilo Sbacchi is beautifully rendered, complementing the text and enhancing the book. For anyone who enjoys a fast-paced, magical adventure with heart, The Last Red Wizard is a must-read.

Anne-Marie Reynolds

The Last Red Wizard by Mike Gagnon is a children’s fantasy sci-fi book. Sam has stolen some figs, but when he makes Max his accomplice, everything changes. Max goes on the run, hiding in the first place he finds, a place that will change his life forever. There, he finds a wise woman called Rose the Apothecary, a friend to most of the village but there’s a dark side to her. Max discovers she practices an illegal art called Red Magic, and when the king’s guard comes looking for him, Rose and Max have a decision to make – sit tight or run for their lives. The decisions they make will have far-reaching effects, but which way will they turn?

The Last Red Wizard by Mike Gagnon is a wonderfully illustrated comic-style book with a fun storyline. It is unique in both story and style, and it moves fast, so settle in for a short but enjoyable read. The characters are likable and relatable and Mike has managed to include scientific details without them being difficult to understand – perfect for people like me who get lost in detailed explanations of things outside my understanding! This is an action-packed story. The illustrations by Onofrio Orlando are professionally drawn, and really, they are the main part of the story – without them, the words wouldn’t mean much. This collaboration has produced something very special for kids to read and enjoy: a story that also teaches the art of friendship and lending a helping hand when someone is in need. Great story, highly recommended to kids who love comic-style books.

Frank Mutuma

In The Last Red Wizard by Mike Gagnon and Matthew Courtney, Max, who is hungry and desperate to have something to eat, finds himself in a plot he does not understand. At the suggestion of Sam, he dances to be given some figs to eat from a vendor. In the process of dancing, something strange happens, and the figs disappear. Max has to run for his life as the vendor and an angry mob chase him down the street. He finds a strange place to hide where he meets a doctor who is also an apothecary. The doctor is a nice woman; she shows Max around and even invites him to supper. Who is Rose, and is she a good person despite practicing red magic, which has been outlawed by the king in favor of blue magic? Meanwhile, an outbreak is ravaging the town, and an urgent solution is needed. How will things unfold?

The colorful illustrations by Onofrio Orlando captured my attention from the first page to the last. I also loved the systematic flow of events that left no room for confusion for the reader. Another thing that caught my attention in this thought-provoking work was the themes and the lessons passed on, like the importance of avoiding superstitions when dealing with something that can be proven scientifically and holding leaders and the government accountable and not just taking their word for it. Readers will also appreciate the easy-to-understand language used by Mike Gagnon and Matthew Courtney, which makes The Last Red Wizard accessible to all kinds of readers.

Gabriel Santos

The Last Red Wizard by Mike Gagnon and Matthew Courtney presents a world reminiscent of medieval Europe where magic isn't all that rare, and most people accept it. The sole exception is Red Magic, an illegal and heretical power whose users face harsh persecution. Our main character, Max, is a poor boy whose only concern is his next meal, but fate has other plans for him. While looking for food, Max gets entangled in some trouble caused by Sam, a rowdy girl thief, and hides in a store to evade the merchants chasing him. That's when he meets Rose, a mysterious apothecary simultaneously respected as a great doctor and feared as a witch. Regardless, the woman's kindness, wisdom, and abilities captivate Max. As it turns out, Rose is one of those supposedly evil Red Magic wielders, and this encounter will change the lives of Max and everyone in the village forever.

Onofrio Orlando's illustrations are lovely, featuring characters with charming designs and dynamic poses that convey movement and personality. You can also tell a lot of care and attention went into the colors, panel layout, lettering, and general composition, making for a top-notch visual experience. The story doesn't fall behind, either: Mike Gagnon and Matthew Courtney have crafted a fantastical world filled with lively characters and valuable life lessons. Indeed, while The Last Red Wizard might seem to be about magic and wizards on the surface, it relates to the real world in crucial ways, teaching readers about critical thinking, the scientific method, the power of the people, and much more. Overall, this is a must-read for young readers and fantasy lovers who remain young at heart.