The Girl In The Toile Wallpaper

Fiction - Audiobook
Audio Book
Reviewed on 09/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Bernadette Longu for Readers' Favorite

The Girl in the Toile Wallpaper by Mary K. Savarese is a most intriguing romance that includes time travel, adventures in both worlds, and the marrying of historical events to the present without drastically changing history as a whole. The characters in the story come to life beautifully both in the present and in the past; Taylor, Dante, Lily, Megan, and Patrick the Celestial cat who is the catalyst that will put things to right and along the correct path in both worlds. The author makes good use of her characters as she weaves a fascinating story linking two different worlds.

In The Girl in the Toile Wallpaper by Mary K Savarese, the characters take the reader on a journey both in the present and in the past in the most delightful way. The introduction of Fabricio and his cats is the secret that is slowly revealed to be the most important part of this wonderful story and introduces a historical fact that started during the colonization of America and is still very much part of the 21st century. The story is brought to light most delightfully, taking the characters on a journey of discovery and adventure that changes only a small part of history for the better, leaving the rest of history the same.

This audiobook is read by Laura Schreiber. She has a lovely voice and managed to interpret the characters wonderfully and bring them to life vividly. The quotes before each chapter are so beautiful and form an important part of the story. Laura Schreiber read these quotes most eloquently and with depth. Laura read the entire book clearly and the audio quality was clear. Unsurprisingly, this book received the International Dragonfly Award for Fantasy Adventure. It was a pleasure to listen to this book and it is well worth a second listen.