The Elements of Investing

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
154 Pages
Reviewed on 03/16/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boiling for Readers' Favorite

This tiny book is 117 pages of commonsense investing. The purpose of this book is to teach the principles of investing. The authors suggest greed is the biggest danger to investors. This book is to the point, with simple rules.

• Diversifying broadly over different types of securities with low-cost "total market" index funds and different asset types—and why this is important.

• Focusing on the long term instead of following market fluctuations that are likely to lead to costly investing mistakes.

• Using employer-sponsored plans to supercharge your savings and minimize your taxes.

It is very important for the investor to be well informed. I often find my investor talking what sounds to me like a foreign language. Along with this book, I will attempt to become a more knowledgeable investor. I like the way this book cuts out the rhetoric and puts investment theory in simple terms.