The Diaspora

A Last Ark Novel

Fiction - Science Fiction
483 Pages
Reviewed on 10/04/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Diaspora is a work of fiction in the science fiction subgenre and is a prequel novel to the Haunter Grey series. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience and was penned by author Ross C Miller to further explore the universe and history around his Grey Squadron. Spanning dates from the 43rd century back to the history of America in the 1800s, we see the formation of a whole new system on Unity, the planet formerly known as Earth. As new beings cloned from the Unity Primes seek to wipe out all subhuman species in favor of their own template, tensions rise, and the rebellious figures on the outskirts of the galaxy fight for their survival.

Author Ross C Miller has crafted a fascinating opening novel to a prequel series that is sure to grip fans of intelligent worldbuilding and dystopian sci-fi concepts. I loved exploring the dark possibilities of how a planet like Unity becomes possible, and all of the idealism that goes awry in the search for utopia. As this premise becomes more and more solid, Miller is able to introduce interesting rogue element characters who combat the status quo in unique ways, and this creates some interesting tensions and deeper questions about what it truly means to be human. Fans of Miller’s existing works are likely to enjoy the narrative confidence, direct dialogue, and smooth exposition of the work, but The Diaspora also offers new and exciting drama that all fans of sci-fi and speculative works are certain to adore.