The Day Of The Martians (audiobook)

Vol. 1 of The Martian Diaries, continuing The War Of The Worlds

Fiction - Audiobook
Audio Book
Reviewed on 08/13/2018
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Author Biography

In late 2015, British author H.E. Wilburson (or H.E. as he likes to be called) was surprised to find himself writing a sequel to The War Of The Worlds, as his first love is actually composing and painting pictures with music. Inspired by the many adaptations of the novel over the years, H.E imagined the onward lives of the original characters and what might happen if the Martians returned to Earth wanting revenge for their first, failed invasion. With over 800 musical compositions filed away over the years, he decided to showcase some of them in his story, to add atmosphere and mood, and The Martian Diaries series began to take shape.

Seeing a demand for text versions H.E gave more emphasis to the written word in volumes two and three, (which are much longer books) but always had audiobooks in mind. Also available as ebooks, print books will follow. The Martian Diaries has been recognised by several accolades, including five awards in the 2020 Los Angeles Science Fiction Film Festival (Audio Drama category). You can learn more here

Apart from The Martian Diaries, H.E has adapted The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, his first project combining text with music, which may be released in the future. He enjoys history, advances in science and listening to great music and story-telling. When not writing or composing music, his favourite hobbies include gardening, hiking, (especially in mountains) and creating new storylines for The Martian Diaries.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Justine Reyes for Readers' Favorite

The Day of the Martians: The Martian Diaries Volume 1 is H.E. Wilburton's sequel to The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. The story takes place ten years after the events of The War of the Worlds, when readers are introduced to the narrator and his wife. The pair is having breakfast when something in the newspaper catches their eye. A Martian cylinder has been uncovered in the Welsh mountains and was transferred over to London to be studied and displayed along with other Martian artifacts from the initial attack. Ogilvy, the scientist in charge of the display and study, explains to the narrator that he has put the Martian paraphernalia on display to remind the public of the Martian attack and the high probability that they will return some time before Christmas. Could his prediction be correct? You'll have to listen in to find out.

The audio book was unexpected and a great touch. After all, The War of the Worlds had been infamous for starting a mass panic when it was broadcast on American radio for an anthology series known as The Mercury Theatre on the Air. Listening to The Day of the Martians had me awestruck; the atmospheric music, the ambiance, the narration, and above all the story itself. It takes place in 1913 when science and speculation about aliens was still a bit of a niche interest. The Day of the Martians will capture listeners' imaginations and wonder. It certainly captured mine. I implore fans of H.G. Wells and fans of the science fiction genre to listen and savor the adventure which H.E. Wilburson has given us. I greatly appreciated Terry Thompson and Harry Preston's astounding performances. This was more than an audio book. This was, in many ways, a wonderfully executed tribute to H.G. Wells.

H.E. Wilburson

"A little diamond from Mars! The story itself is told very much like the original and moves fast with the glorious naiveté of a classic sci-fi novella." Simon Arnold Goodreads

“The Day of the Martians is a nostalgic trip back to bygone days spent reading science fiction classics, and that’s quite a compliment indeed.” Brandon Scott - SciFi Bloggers.

"H.E. Wilburson remains true to the original classic." Piaras Cíonnaoíth Emerald Reviews Goodreads

"It's a daring effort that succeeds in holding a candle to the original ." Rebecca McNutt Goodreads

"a fast-paced, intriguing story which emulates the style and voice of H.G. Wells. H.E.Wilburson takes the next logical leap in the understanding of the alien’s motives and methods so it truly does feel like a continuation of the world, rather than rehashing old ground." Melanie Roussel Goodreads

" atmospheric and "true to the original" continuation of a classic book." Adrian Glenister Goodreads

"This is a stunning novella sequel to the famous War of the Worlds by H G Wells." John McGee Goodreads

"It's fast paced, gripping, seriously spine chilling at times and has all the intensity and atmosphere of the original, classic story." Nicki Richards Goodreads, Book Blogger

"This sequel to the H.G. Wells book War of the Worlds is tone perfect as it expands on the original in a thoroughly enjoyable and at times intense storyline setting up a trilogy." Matthew Mullins Goodreads

"I'd say that this would be a great addition to any War of the Worlds fan's collection (it is certainly a great addition to mine!" SS Long Goodreads