The Consortium


Fiction - Horror
302 Pages
Reviewed on 07/05/2024
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Author Biography

The Consortium is the author's debut book. It is not the only story she has written, but it is her first full-length novel to be published. She has a deep love of fiction and adores blended genres as it tends to keep things interesting. She hails from Texas and has been fortunate enough to have never run into any members of The Consortium (at least, not to her knowledge).

    Book Review

Reviewed by Lex Allen for Readers' Favorite

In The Consortium: Genesis by B. A. Chapman, in a dystopian future world, the Consortium—an amalgamation of scientists and their oligarchical donors—is an organization untouchable and inviolate to all oversight by law or government regulation. It conducts scientific experiments far beyond horrendous with despicable cruelty and disdain for the lives of thousands of human guinea pigs. Amelia is one such "inductee," a young woman who endures unspeakable horror, which ultimately creates a surprising result that puts her in a position to destroy the Consortium, a possibility she accepts, even at the risk of losing her own life.

B. A. Chapman bursts onto the scene of science fiction/dystopian horror with the first novel in The Consortium trilogy, Genesis. This story is not only possible but, in many ways, is seemingly inevitable in our future real world. The inroads made by Artificial Intelligence combined with human evil so deranged as to reach the outer limits of graphic and realistic detail are evident. Chapman's word-smithing ability is so advanced as to create fantastic scenes clearly within the scope of that all-important story-writing form of verisimilitude—a sense of reality. As new characters join the plot, Chapman establishes their credibility while maintaining a sense of anticipation for each character's development and internal role within the action, a skill not often seen in first-time authors but evident in Chapman's writing. The Consortium: Genesis is sure to be a hit, and readers of science fiction, horror fans, and followers of dystopian thrillers will eat this up, eager for book two which I also hope will be published sooner than later.

Juan Lynch

The Consortium: Genesis by B.A. Chapman is an intriguing thriller science-fiction horror story. In the mid-1800s, a group of doctors and scientists established a secret organization to continue running unethical experiments on human subjects. This organization is still active in the twenty-first century and is even more powerful than ever. In addition to persons in the science community, they also have members in high political and law enforcement positions. Their human subjects, referred to as inductees, are mainly kidnapped young adults who no one would miss once they disappear. The inductees are then subjected to a brutal brainwashing process aimed at making them emotionless, subservient slaves. Amelia is one of these inductees who resigned herself to being a lab rat for life before she developed abilities. Is there hope for her?

I highly enjoyed reading The Consortium: Genesis by B.A. Chapman. As the first entry in a planned trilogy, Chapman expertly brings the plot to a satisfying resolution while setting up the sequel. The story is well-paced and there are various plot twists. I especially loved how the main characters are fleshed out. For example, Amelia is introduced as a helpless hopeless victim, but as time progresses and circumstances change, she struggles with the idea of being free. On the other hand, Spike is a character that initially should not be able to speak. Yet, once given an outlet to express himself, Spike has a lot to say. Some of the themes that Chapman's work touches on are the ethics of scientific experimentation, power dynamics, and identity. I look forward to reading the following books in the Consortium trilogy.

Angelique Papayannopoulos

A gripping edge-of-your-seat thriller, The Consortium: Genesis by B. A. Chapman is the first in the Consortium Trilogy. Founded in the 1800s, the Consortium has evolved into many worldwide secret scientific organizations where top scientists conduct cruel experiments to research the regeneration of human cells. Known as inductees, the test subjects are humans who aren't listed as missing by the authorities. The sacrifice of human lives is unimportant; what matters are the goals of the scientists and those who fund their research. This story follows Amelia, a young woman who is forced to take part in one of the cruelest and most diabolical experiments of all time. However, in a twist of fate, a brutal experiment grants her super abilities that could be used against the sadistic researchers; and so she risks her life and soul to end this nightmare for all inductees and destroy the Consortium.

B.A. Chapman’s The Consortium: Genesis is innovative, scientifically sound, and depicts the author's creativity. A cast of realistic, interesting, yet disturbing characters challenges the reader's perception of the protagonist's mental, physical, and emotional turmoil. The narrative is skillful and engaging, containing explicit language, sexual situations, and graphic violence that enhance the plot's cleverness and originality. The vivid descriptions of the atrocities conducted within the laboratories will leave the reader feeling intimidated by the realistic possibilities. Horror, love, suffering, revenge, and justice are all part of this action-packed adventure. Having been immersed and curious as to what will happen next, the cliffhanger ending will leave the reader wanting more. This book will appeal to fans of dark science fiction and brilliant crime stories!