The Cage

Young Adult - Coming of Age
158 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

The Cage by M. L. Willard follows Jeremy and Bits as they turn back to the eerie Turner Estate, known as The Cage, which triggers Jeremy’s childhood memories of sneaking there with his brother. As they make their way through the dilapidated mansion, they discover human remains, igniting a mix of fear and curiosity about the estate's dark past. After contacting the authorities, they face the emotional pressure surrounding their own family issues, especially in dealing with loss and guilt. As they bond over their discoveries, Jeremy is afflicted by his grandfather's death, while Bits has her own bag of grief. Their investigation into the Turner family's history deepens, leading to unsettling and shocking parallels to missing persons, ultimately linking their private conflict to The Cage's haunting legacy.

M.L. Willard's The Cage is a wonderfully creative mix of mystery and suspense that ropes readers in from the start. Willard's ability to evoke a creepy, textured atmosphere is impressive, and I did feel immersed in the decaying remnants of the formerly opulent Turner Estate, urine smell and all, where there are literally skeletons in closets. I love that Willard takes the time to move outside so we can see the human element of what trauma, in this generation and the last, does to those who are suffering from loss. We also see friendship, curiosity, and the reality of most communities: gossip. There is a sweet moment where Bits is comforting Jeremy by straightening his collar, and it's these tiny but thoughtful inclusions that make Willard's characters relatable. There are some twists in the tale and questions that continue to pop up. Overall, The Cage is well worth the read. Very highly recommended.