The Broken Hummingbird

A Novel

Fiction - Womens
328 Pages
Reviewed on 06/17/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

Jane, her husband, Kevin, and two young sons, Liam and Connor, are part of a vibrant community of other ex-pats from the United States in San Miguel, Mexico. A local organization, Casa Mía, funds the construction of ten houses per year for families without a solid roof over their heads. Jane's heart aches for a hard-working woman named Nayeli. She wants her daughters, Dulce and Lupita, to get a proper education instead of making bricks with their mother. Jane vows to find additional funding to build them a house and soothe Nayeli's husband Pablo's violent temper. But Jane is trapped in a dysfunctional marriage with a bully husband who threatens to take her sons away. Jane cannot leave San Miguel, her true home, where her children are happy. An artistic soul, she has eerie dreams with heavenly messengers, hummingbirds. Will she be able to stand her ground against Kevin and help Nayeli? The Broken Hummingbird by Ann Marie Jackson is for fans of family and psychological drama, and novels centered around women.

The Broken Hummingbird shows us many sides of Mexico. Ann Marie Jackson creates an impressive background to reveal a dangerous world of domestic violence, kidnapping, and even "brujas," Mexican fortune-tellers, hidden behind the bright facade of a festive and beautiful San Miguel. Jackson's prose is psychologically profound and realistic, which makes us realize that she is familiar with San Miguel de Allende. I loved the powerful message of the novel. Jackson uncompromisingly raises the themes of women's rights, bullying, and domestic abuse, be it physical violence or psychological pressure on a victim. We follow Jane's development through many trials and confrontations with her manipulative husband. Also, we witness how passionately Jane absorbs Mexican culture, refining her inner world. Jackson crafted a reliable main character calling for our sympathy and compassion. Rich symbolism complements the strong plotline of this inspirational novel. Overall, The Broken Hummingbird is a remarkable debut of a talented author.

You Will Love this Well-Crafted Novel

This is a novel that captures the complexities of our times, told with candor and poetry, a carefully woven tale of the extremes of social inequality, fear and courage, and life’s innate gift of renewal.

In the center of this engaging story is Jane -- an expat who has moved with her husband and children to the colorful city of San Miguel de Allende in Mexico. Even as Jane’s love for her new adopted city abound, Jane’s marriage is disintegrating and she is at risk of losing it all. As she dances to keep her marriage afloat, she is determined to help a Mexican mother with less resources than her. Tensions mount, just as tragedy comes to Jane’s community. Jane is fragile yet strong, facing her biggest fears with the biggest heart.

Nothing is glossed over in this captivating novel, not the tension and misunderstanding between cultures, and not the fragile hope for a marriage that is on the rocks. But what this novel is really about is the prevailing power of love for community, family and place. With its beautiful and lyrical prose, it has an intensity of motion and suspense, that will keep you turning the page.

Reviewed by Katy Grabel

This is a novel that captures the complexities of our times, told with candor and poetry, a carefully woven tale of the extremes of social inequality, fear and courage, and life’s innate gift of renewal.

In the center of this engaging story is Jane -- an expat who has moved with her husband and children to the colorful city of San Miguel de Allende in Mexico. Even as Jane’s love for her new adopted city abound, Jane’s marriage is disintegrating and she is at risk of losing it all. As she dances to keep her marriage afloat, she is determined to help a Mexican mother with less resources than her. Tensions mount, just as tragedy comes to Jane’s community. Jane is fragile yet strong, facing her biggest fears with the biggest heart.

Nothing is glossed over in this captivating novel, not the tension and misunderstanding between cultures, and not the fragile hope for a marriage that is on the rocks. But what this novel is really about is the prevailing power of love for community, family and place. With its beautiful and lyrical prose, it has an intensity of motion and suspense, that will keep you turning the page.