The Backup Princess

A Sweet Royal Enemies to Lovers Romcom

Romance - Comedy
374 Pages
Reviewed on 05/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Priya Mathew for Readers' Favorite

In The Backup Princess, author Kate O’Keeffe rekindles the feelings I had when I watched The Princess Diaries for the first time. Maddie, a sales assistant at a glazing company from Houston, experiences a life-altering surprise when she discovers she could be the next in line to the throne of Malveaux, a small European country, because of her late mother’s lineage. Stepping into a new country, learning new rules of comportment, and absorbing the history and language of Malveaux, her path crosses with Alex, aka Prince Alexander Archibald George Canossa, the heir of Ledonia, a neighboring country. Although their first meeting doesn’t go as planned, and though both have preconceived notions about each other, they learn that all may not be as they thought. As the days go by and they attend various functions together and participate in The Games, they realize their bond goes beyond mere friendship and that they could be each other’s soulmate. Will they be able to overcome ancient rules to find their forever happiness?

The Backup Princess by Kate O’Keeffe is one to pick up if you are looking for a light read that will not put you through an emotional wringer. The story effectively presents a variety of relatable characters. Maddie comes across as someone down-to-earth, reflective, humorous, and sarcastic. Alex is charming and diplomatic, yet also grounded and introspective while longing for a meaningful connection. Adding to the flavor of the storyline are the rest of the characters, including Alex’s and Maddie’s families, and Maddie’s friend Chloe. The reference to McHottie brought back memories of watching Grey’s Anatomy. The story is told from the point of view of Alex and Maddie, with the reports from a royal correspondent Fabiana Fontaine acting as the third point of view in the narrative. I loved the snippets of humor in the narrative. Whether it was the conversations between Maddie and her grandma or Alex and his siblings, this made Maddie’s experiences more relatable and entertaining. If you are looking for a relaxing read at the end of a stressful day, I suggest this book.