The B-17 Tomahawk Warrior

A WWII Final Honor

Non-Fiction - Military
467 Pages
Reviewed on 11/24/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The B-17 Tomahawk Warrior: A WWII Final Honor is a work of non-fiction in the military history, slice of life, and personal stories subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult audience as it depicts the harsh realities and losses of war. Penned by author David E. Huntley, the work centers on the mystery of a 1944 B-17 Flying Fortress crash in England. The author, who witnessed the crash as a child, embarked on a lifelong journey to uncover the truth. Through meticulous research and personal observations, Huntley unravels the mysteries surrounding the 'Tomahawk Warriors' crew, who perished in the crash, exploring questions about the crash's circumstances and the misnaming of the plane. The book delves into the immense courage displayed by young American airmen during WWII, vividly describing the challenges they faced in sub-zero temperatures and enemy encounters.

Author David E. Huntley has crafted a unique work of military history that also explores the fascination we have with times gone by and our personal connection to the past. I found the narrative to be tender, exploratory, and respectful, with a fantastic amount of detail but also a quiet reverence for the bravery of the nine souls whose lives are explored. The narrative emphasizes the lives of these heroes, providing a window into familial relationships and the sacrifices made for a cause. I think it’s incredible that Huntley's efforts have also led to posthumous honors, a Commemorative Marker, and closure for the descendants' relatives. Huntley's work stands as a testament to the resilience and sacrifices of those who served in WWII and is also a spectacularly detailed and well-researched read. Overall, I would certainly recommend The B-17 Tomahawk Warrior: A WWII Final Honor for history and military non-fiction enthusiasts everywhere.