The Adventures of Henry and Eulalie

Worlds Beyond

Christian - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
206 Pages
Reviewed on 10/04/2024
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Author Biography

Mushin Knott is an award-winning author, musician, and alumna of James Madison University and Virginia Commonwealth University. A Virginia native, she and her family reside in Colonial Heights, where Henry and his friends have their adventures Earth-side. An avid puzzler, from jigsaw to Kakuro, she loves to solve problems, bridge the divide, and seek the logic and beauty in the chaos.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Adventures of Henry and Eulalie: Worlds Beyond is the second book in Mushin Knott's young adult fantasy/sci-fi adventure series. After saving the world from destruction at the hands of the evil Mocarsto, the great tyrant of Silver City, eleven-year-old Henry Harris finds out that the mythical creature Bigfoot (Bif) has been seen on Earth, along with Mocarsto's former henchman Mr. Televangi. With his friend Eulalie, a pert fairy girl, and the twins, Jon and Jen, Henry must figure out a way to stop Mr. Televangi who is setting in motion his plans to manipulate the masses. Henry and Eulalie traverse the worlds of Sun-Rhea and the Wildlands to procure a cure for Bif, who has already been approached by Mr. Televangi. As the worlds converge, Henry and his friends are the only ones standing in the way of Mr. Televangi.

The Adventures of Henry and Eulalie: Worlds Beyond is a captivating action-adventure tale featuring wondrous magic, futuristic sci-fi concepts, otherworldly creatures, portals, and more. This book will delight fantasy and science fiction lovers alike. Author Mushin Knott delivers an absorbing second installment of a fantasy/sci-fi saga that is rich in lore and epic in world-building. There is so much to love about this book, especially for children and young adult readers. Almost every other chapter brings forth a new reveal or adventure that keeps the reader engaged until the end. The illustrations by Kalpart are another element that enhances the narrative and makes it all the more enjoyable. If you're a fan of sci-fi/fantasy adventure tales, this will be right up your alley. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and you should too!