Simposio, Italian Recipes, Travel, and Culture


Non-Fiction - Cooking/Food
176 Pages
Reviewed on 09/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kimberlee J Benart for Readers' Favorite

Simposio, Italian Recipes, Travel, and Culture: Florence by Claudia Rinaldi and Annamaria Schram is a gorgeous book that presents a feast for the eyes, the intellect, the heart, and the palate. Inspired by the Renaissance and the culinary traditions of Florence, it educates the reader while unveiling twenty-six authentic regional recipes. Full-color photographs illustrate the completed dishes while articles and photographs about Dante, Leonardo da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Botticelli, Savonarola, and the Médicis, among others, celebrate the unique history of Florence. A playlist of famous Florentine singers and songwriters suggests music to accompany your cooking or dining experience. If you love Italian food and culture or are planning a trip to Italy, the impressive Simposio “cookbook and more” series is for you.

When I ventured into the pages of Simposio, Italian Recipes, Travel, and Culture: Florence, I was immediately transported back to the magical city I visited decades ago. You can’t wander the halls of the Uffizi Museum and other buildings and plazas without being moved by the paintings and sculptures. And you cannot eat at the ristorantes and trattorias without enjoying the delicious regional cuisine. I like the two-person serving size of the recipes, the connections between the food and history, the dual measurements, and the helpful preparation instructions. This is the first book in the Simposio series that I have read. It has whetted my appetite to read more. Authors Claudia Rinaldi and Annamaria Schram honor Florence with this beautiful addition to the series.