Shed Girl

A Juliet French Mystery

Fiction - Mystery - General
260 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Juliet still remembers the day her aunt’s boyfriend raped her. She remembers how pained she felt when she tried explaining what had happened to her but her aunt would not believe her. As a consequence of this betrayal, she leaves the supposed safety of her aunt’s home and moves onto the streets. Living off what she makes from her Tarot card readings, she dedicates herself to helping other homeless children. When word starts spreading around Annie’s Court of children going missing, Juliet decides to investigate. She uncovers a web of lies, drugs, and deceit. Can she bring the culprits to justice and save the runaways of Annie’s Court when all she has working for her is her wits and a young man with problems of his own? Find out in Milana Marsenich’s Shed Girl.

Milana Marsenich’s drama novel has a runaway duo team up to bring down a criminal operation within their neighborhood. Marsenich taps into the growing homelessness trend in the country to create a setting that is both believable and contagiously immersive. Each of the principal characters in the story is carrying some serious emotional baggage. This makes it easier for the reader to bond with them as the story progresses. Kyle’s determination to right the wrongs he could not correct with his sister pushes him into direct conflict with Stephan in a classic Lord Of The Flies subplot that is interesting to follow. Factor in the growing romantic chemistry between Juliet and Kyle with Detective Picard’s systematic approach to this case and you have an evenly balanced mystery just waiting for you to solve. Shed Girl is an absolute delight to read.