Prairie Dog Cowboy

Young Adult - Coming of Age
172 Pages
Reviewed on 07/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Prairie Dog Cowboy by Vivian Zabel is a heartwarming coming-of-age tale. Set during the dawn of the early 20th century in Oklahoma, the story follows an aspiring cowboy named Buddy Roberts. Buddy is a young boy whose mother severely mistreats him while coddling her other son, Jake. Seeing Buddy's plight, Caleb Hyman, a rancher, takes Buddy under his wing and offers him a job to work on his ranch during the weekends. Soon, Buddy becomes an integral member of the Hyman family, quickly learning to tame wild horses and manage a ranch. When Buddy's father passes away, his mother makes his brother the sole heir to the family homestead. Meanwhile, a kind-hearted old man hires Buddy as his ranch manager. Will Buddy finally achieve his dream of becoming a cowboy while learning the importance of forgiveness?

Prairie Dog Cowboy is a beautiful story about found family, friendship, and forgiveness. Vivian Zabel weaves a captivating yarn that warms your heart and leaves you with a smile on your face. The author masterfully captures the setting of the Oklahoma Panhandle during the late 19th century, making the tale even more immersive for the reader. The characters are very well-developed, salt-of-the-earth people who work on farms. The relationship dynamics between the characters make this such a compelling story. I adored the friendships between Buddy and the Hyman twins and Caleb's mentor/father figure role in Buddy's life. As a reader, you will find yourself rooting for Buddy as he inches closer to the life he had envisioned for himself as a child. If you love coming-of-age tales, this will be right up your alley!