Pip the Bird

For Early Speech & Language Development

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Pip the Bird by Rachel Florence Myer is a children’s picture book designed to teach speech and language development at as early an age as possible. Pip the bird is quite happy, perched up in his tree, watching the world go by. One day, he sees a green monster enter the garden. It has wheels, and it makes a loud noise. As he watches it go by, he realizes that his friends are in danger. From his high position, he can help them get to safety by repeating helpful words to tell them which direction to go in. But Pip wants to do more than save his friends; he wants to stop the monster for good. Can he do it?

Pip the Bird by Rachel Florence Myer is a story that helps youngsters learn words and develop their speech. The illustrations are lovely and colorful and allow children to see exactly what they are learning, while the story is written in rhyme, which makes it fun and easy for young readers to follow. The important directional words Pip uses to help his friends are highlighted and made easy to understand. At the start of the book are some helpful tips on reading the book and some general tips to help children learn. Perhaps the most important tip is to keep it fun, and that’s exactly what this book is. The story uses several techniques to help children learn and remember words, such as rhyming and repetition, not to mention easy words. This is a fun way for children to learn to develop speech and language while enjoying themselves with a charming story. Another lesson this book teaches is recognition – there is a bee on some pages. Can your young readers see and recognize it? A delightful book and a great way for kids to learn.