Piña Colada Calamity

Kalliope Brooks Mysteries Book 2

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
305 Pages
Reviewed on 12/21/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Liz Konkel for Readers' Favorite

Pina Colada Calamity by Tanya Westlake sets sail on the high seas in an epic murder mystery. Tess’s luck pays off when she calls in to a radio show and wins big with the adventure of a lifetime that she can’t wait to share with her best friend Kalli. A cruise is meant to be a time to relax and have fun but when someone winds up dead, the ship transforms into a crime scene. This can only mean one thing: there’s a killer on board. With help far away, the two friends are determined to uncover the truth and catch the killer. Though this is not their first mystery, it is their first time solving one on a ship, a task that comes with a variety of new and exciting challenges as well as danger.

Tanya Westlake has blended a murder with a delightful vacation to create an original mystery that is fun from the first page. The friendship between Kalli and Tess is a wholesome and endearing aspect of the story as the two play off each other well and give the story plenty of heart. Their clever banter and genuine loyalty are what make these two best friends lovable and make you want to join them for every stage of the adventure. There’s true joy in seeing these two friends chasing down a killer while also finding ways to enjoy the vacation and getting a thrill out of solving a mystery. The writing is charming with an ear for witty dialogue, thanks to fun word choices and delightful character interactions, not just between the friends but between the other characters as well. Pina Colada Calamity merges an adventurous cruise vacation with a murder mystery that has humor, heart, and plenty of fun friendship moments.