Of Darkness and Ruination

Romance - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
710 Pages
Reviewed on 05/12/2024
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Author Biography

Rachel Fallon is a new indie author who has always loved fantasy and romance, and finding romantasy books changed her life forever. After a decade of being unable to write due to brain damage, it miraculously healed around the time she found romantasy! Her prior love of writing kicked back in with a vengeance, and it was obvious to her that romantasy was always going to be the way to go. The world of Celesterra unraveled so quickly, it was like it was begging to be written!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jennifer Ibiam for Readers' Favorite

The Celesterra continent held six kingdoms (Dawn, Dusk, Night, Day, Sunrise, and Sunset) ruled by the Fae. They took humans as property and placed them in households to serve as eternal slaves once they reached the age of twenty-one. The stunning Asteria was one such human whose beauty rivaled the Fae. When Asteria came of age, she reported to the kingdom of Dusk as Prince Cyrus’ slave. The prince lusted after her, but he was cruel, and Asteria would not stand being an abused slave for the rest of her life. She started plotting her escape, but fate had other plans. Amidst the war between rival kingdoms, family conflicts, betrayal, and public enemies, Asteria soon realizes that her entire life was a lie. Follow Asteria’s fight for survival in Of Darkness and Ruination by Rachel Fallon.

Of Darkness and Ruination by Rachel Fallon is a story of mystery and intrigue. Everything about this novel grabbed my attention and kept me on the edge of my seat. I could never predict what would happen next because the suspense was perfect. How would you feel if the entire world became dominated by another species that held humans to ransom? I don’t want to imagine it. Fate dropped Asteria into a world of politics, deception, mind games, and power play. It would take top-rate cunning, cruelty, and a dead soul to triumph. Yet Asteria creates a balance, which makes her my favorite character. Besides her, I fell in love with Calix. Oh, the flirting, teasing, romance, and barely restrained hunger between Calix and Asteria. It was so worth it. I also adored Eryx, Baach, Titan, Harpina, Delia, Priscilla, Lilith, and even Eris. They made a dependable tribe. This is a beautiful story with a great plot and development. I didn’t expect such a twist that linked Asteria to the Day Kingdom and the subsequent cliffhanger. I was sad to turn the last page, but the story continues. Looking forward to book two.