Oak Street Treehouse

The Day They Had A Party

Children - Christian
38 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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Author Biography

Dick Daniels is the president of The Leadership Development Group. He Is a Certified Master Coach with Stakeholder Centered Coaching (Marshall Goldsmith). He focuses on developing leadership competencies and core leadership behaviors for successful emerging and seasoned leaders to maximize their leadership capacity.

...He writes the bi-weekly Leadership Development eLetter addressing best practice insights.

...Dick hosts the Leadership Development Group on Linkedin groups with global participation by more than 200,000 global leadership practitioners.

...He launched the "Right to the Point Podcast: Leadership Insights in 10 Minutes or Less."

...In addition, Dick is on the board of Hodos Institute, a leadership development initiative in Ukraine.

...His nationally awarded books include:

(1) Leadership Briefs: Shaping Organizational Culture to Stretch Leadership Capacity.

(2) Leadership Core: Character, Competence, Capacity.

(3) Hardwiring New Leadership Habits: Does Development Develop?

(4) His newest book is a 2024 release: The 365 Day Leader: Recalibrate Your Leadership Calling Every Day.

(5) Dick also contributed a chapter, Leadership Musings, in the International Leadership Association's 2019 Building Bridges

volume, Leadership and Power in International Development: Navigating the Intersections of Gender, Culture, Context,

and Sustainability. This volume won the 2019 R. Wayne Pace Book of the Year from the Academy of Human Resource


...In addition he has written three nationally awarded children’s books in the Oak Street Treehouse trilogy.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Buck, Colt, Cash, Annie, Cora, Addie, Brit, and Cooper are well-known in the neighborhood. Together, they play and lend a hand whenever they can. They are so popular that everyone calls them the Oak Street friends. This time, they want to plan a celebration to honor their parents and some of the other residents of their neighborhood. Before they can finish organizing things, one of their closest friends suffers a tragic accident, leaving the kids with more questions than answers. They must pull together now more than ever as they face their greatest challenge yet in Oak Street Treehouse: The Day They Had A Party, written by Dick Daniels and illustrated by Mollie Bozarth.

Dick Daniels's Oak Street Treehouse: The Day They Had A Party shows youngsters dealing with the finality of death. The character development is easy to follow, making it perfect for a story aimed at younger readers. The children's inquiries regarding their friend's condition and the specifics of his illness are typical of young children going through a difficult time of loss. The story includes a brief but useful allusion to a Bible verse that helps to explain what happens after a person passes away. Even so, the children's naive reaction to their circumstances—which many older readers will find insightful—is the most endearing aspect of this story. Mollie Bozarth does beautiful work with the illustrations. Her combination of vivid colors and crisp, artistically rendered images enriches a story that sticks in the reader's mind long after they put the book down. Oak Street Treehouse is a delightful story that children will fall in love with.