Not That Kind of Call Girl

Fiction - Chick Lit
230 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Not That Kind of Call Girl by Nova García follows two women, new mother Julia and teen student Carmen, and their separate lives that converge. Julia, working in a call center, ultimately decides to hire Carmen despite questions about her job application. Julia navigates new motherhood and workplace turmoil as rumors of change emerge. Carmen, dealing with her own trauma, uses her imagination to cope with reality. As the story progresses, Carmen's horrific secret begins to unravel before Jerry and Julia, who are diligent in finding a way to help her despite the danger, and even as Julia is fighting a battle on multiple fronts, particularly against postpartum depression and on-the-job sexual harassment.

Nova Garcia is able to successfully pull together a significant plot and a handful of equally serious subplots in Not That Kind of Call Girl. What we have are two women who are contending with different forms of abuse and whose strength and coping mechanisms are amplified through their own personal stories. It is easy to forget that Julia is really young herself, and yet on two fronts she assumes the role of protector: for her newborn and her new hire. As women, we all have our demons to fight, but Julia's is compounded by her carrying the banner for women as a whole. This makes her the type of worthy, but still emotionally scarred, female protagonist that is so desperately needed in contemporary literature. Garcia writes with a unique and authentic voice, breathing life into every character, all of whom are exceptionally well-developed. Overall, this is an engrossing read that shines a light on struggles that deserve to be highlighted in a well-written work. Very highly recommended.