Never Lose Your Sparkle

Children - General
162 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Never Lose Your Sparkle by Emma Meyer and Mateo Sommer is a heartwarming and inspiring children's book that sensitively and optimistically tackles the challenges of growing up. The book follows a diverse group of children, each facing their own unique struggles. Caroline learns to trust her instincts, Camila discovers her form of heroism, and Joey finds what makes him special. Through Stephen's story, readers see how to overcome the fear of failure, while Jasmine's journey encourages trying new things. Zara and Chloe stand up for justice, embodying the power of doing what's right, and Jeremy's kindness helps Jarod understand the strength of compassion.

Each story in Never Lose Your Sparkle gently reminds children that no matter their obstacles, they can overcome them and shine brightly. The book's powerful message is clear: every child has a unique sparkle and must never lose sight of what is important. The themes of self-discovery, courage, and kindness are not just words but a guiding light for young readers. The characters are well-drawn, and their challenges are presented in a way that young readers will find relatable and educational. The language is accessible, making it an excellent choice for independent readers or as a read-aloud for parents and educators. Emma Meyer and Mateo Sommer penned a delightful and empowering book that encourages children to embrace their individuality and face their fears confidently. It's a book that will leave young readers feeling inspired and ready to take on the world with their own unique sparkle intact.