Never Enough

A Recovery Workbook For Addictions, Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors and Eating Disorders

Non-Fiction - Self Help
77 Pages
Reviewed on 11/20/2018
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Author Biography

Devi Nina is an award-winning Author and life voyager who strives to inspire conscious living and conscious dialogue. She writes books that are electric with honesty and passion. You can find her on Facebook. Devi earned an AA in Psychology, a BA in Applied Psychology, and an MS in Mental Health Counseling. She is also a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Certified Sound Therapist. However, her passion is writing as her award-winning books suggest. She lives in the United State's Southwest and enjoys kayaking and the ocean.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Raines for Readers' Favorite

Never Enough: A Recovery Workbook For Addictions, Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors and Eating Disorders by Nina Bingham is a workbook designed to assist people suffering from a wide range of disorders in a healthy manner. Bingham outlines multiple disorders from Anorexia and Bulimia to Depression and varying forms of Oral Addictions. The pages following the description of each type of disorder combine self assessments and questions that allow the reader to answer honestly and discover the roots of their personal affliction. This workbook allows the reader to identify, assess and better assist in their own process to recovery.

Never Enough by Nina Bingham has insightful information about a wide variety of disorders that will help any person suffering through them better understand why they feel the way they do and how to cope in a positive and progressive manner. I love how Nina Bingham explains each disorder in a comprehensible manner and points out the misconceptions in a helpful, insightful and respectful way. Never Enough is a very useful workbook that I believe would be a valuable asset for anyone on the ‘road to recovery’. The way Bingham focuses the assessments and questions to build up self esteem, without making the reader feel worse, shows her level of knowledge, skill and compassion for people that face such harsh personal problems. I recommend Never Enough not only as a recovery guide but also a self-help workbook that will surely help anyone suffering these issues feel that they are not alone. I hope to see many more workbooks for various issues from Nina Bingham.