
Original Photos and Mostly-True Stories about Football, Glue Guns, Moms, and a Supersized High School Tradition that was Born Deep in the Heart of Texas

Non-Fiction - Cultural
178 Pages
Reviewed on 11/13/2023
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Author Biography

Amy J. Schultz is an award-winning photographer and author who explores unique aspects of modern culture that hide in plain sight. Amy and her husband live in Texas with their gigantic golden retriever. When she isn’t talking about mums, Amy is writing, taking photos, working with the Arlington Museum of Art on creative projects, traveling, snort-laughing, or vacuuming up dog fur.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

If you think homecoming is only about the game and dance, then you are mistaken. Its traditions have united schools, communities, and families for decades, and its less well-known aspects have a deeper meaning and impact on the people of Texas. The homecoming mums, short for chrysanthemums, are one of the less-known traditions, and in Mumentous, Amy J Schultz explains their origins, economics, and value. The crafting and exchanging of these large, bright ornaments bring people together and create memories and mementos for them. The author gives tips on how to make a personalized mum that matches your preferences. She talks about the innovative mothers who have dedicated their time and talents to craft creative mums and become successful entrepreneurs through this business. These mothers share ideas and have formed a long-lasting sisterhood that has outlived generations. The book also covers the rise of the anti-mums, the author's mum museum project, and various heartwarming stories related to the tradition.

Mumentous by Amy J Schultz celebrates a tradition that transcends race, ethnicity, and background. I enjoyed reading this informative book and loved the author's dedication. She uses her writing and photography skills to educate people about mums and adds commentary about her emotional connection to the homecoming tradition, which shows her passion for the topic. The black and white photos gave the book a nostalgic feel and complemented the text. The topic of mums makes this book unique, and the stories surrounding the tradition add an authentic and emotional background that many readers will resonate with. The book is well-written and organized, making it easy to follow and understand, and its beautiful designs make it visually appealing. Traditions give us a sense of belonging, and their continuity is a testament to our preservation of history. This is a great book to read and a must-have for anyone who wants to learn about homecoming traditions. Brilliant work.