Molly's Big Decision

Children - Grade K-3rd
82 Pages
Reviewed on 02/23/2024
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Author Biography

When I was young, I couldn’t stop reading. One day, I stapled bits of paper together and made my very own blank book. My plan was—(drum roll, please)—to write my own mystery novel. I titled it The Mystery of the Missing Banana and Stolen Diamond. The only problem was, I wrote most of it secretly in science class when I should have been paying attention to the teacher. You can probably guess how bad my grades were in science that year, but it sure beat dissecting poor little frogs!

The idea for Molly’s Big Decision came to me in a dream. You know that moment when you’re waking up in the morning and you’re not quite sure what day it is? You’re not asleep, but you’re not fully awake either.

I dreamed of a little girl happily skipping down a hill away from a beautiful palace, holding a golden pouch full of magical, coloured tokens. Bit by bit, over the coming weeks, I dreamed the rest of the story. That’s when I realized I needed to write it all down and turn it into a book.

Reading is my #1 way to relax. I enjoy action novels with a brave hero—much braver than I could ever be! I also love baking, designing, or chatting with a friend over a good cup of coffee. I live on the East Coast of Australia with my husband, Steve.

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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Molly's Big Decision is a heartwarming children's storybook written by Carmen Allen with illustrations by Jaime Buckley. It follows Molly, a young girl who lives in an orphanage with other children who are mistreated by their caregivers. One day, as she is looking out of her window, a magical palace suddenly appears in the sky. Although she is surprised by its appearance, Molly remembers her late father's bedtime story about a magical blue and emerald palace that travels to different villages across the country. She wants to see what is inside the palace, but due to the orphanage's restrictive rules, this may never happen. However, on her birthday, she receives an invitation letter from the palace's King to tour the place. After spending an amazing day at the palace, the King offers Molly a life-changing opportunity.

Molly's Big Decision is an adventurous and magical story that teaches transformative lessons. Carmen Allen uses familiar fairytale-like characters to help children understand the importance of compassion, unconditional love, and the kingdom of heaven. She addresses significant issues such as child abuse, adoption, and free will, with the latter being the central theme of the story, highlighting how free will is a privilege that everyone is given, and that it should be used wisely. Accompanying the story are beautiful illustrations that perfectly depict the characters and their surroundings, providing readers with a visual narrative. The book is well-written and visually appealing, and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves reading emotionally engaging children’s storybooks.