
A Perfect Vacation. A Perfect Nightmare.

Fiction - Thriller - General
214 Pages
Reviewed on 08/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

In Missing by Christy Cooper-Burnett, an unadventurous woman, Megan Hamilton, gets entangled in disastrous circumstances. Megan's engagement just ended, and the man she'd lived with for three years accused her of being too boring. To prove him wrong, she accepts her mother's invitation to go on a cruise with her and her mother's friend, Rochelle. Aboard the ship, she meets a lovely man and thinks she is going to have a great time. After a wonderful night, she wakes up in a dark room, wondering about her whereabouts and the intentions of her captors. Unknowingly, Megan has been pulled into a human trafficking ring so large it seems there is no one she can trust.

Using betrayal as the biggest theme in this work, Christy Cooper-Burnett leads her readers through many twists and turns. Betrayed by the man she loved for years, Megan keeps running into trouble that would have anyone develop trust issues. Cooper-Burnett's characters are multilayered, and readers get to see the story from the perspectives of three of them. The deepest form of treachery was saved for the biggest twist which will leave readers with their mouths open. As I read, I felt like Megan was talking to me, recounting her sad story as it happened and pulling me along in a dark web of cover-ups. I loved watching Megan's character grow from an apprehensive person to a woman with a strong will to live. Readers who enjoy suspenseful stories with determined female characters will love Missing.