Mental Illness: MI Doesn’t Look Like ME

A Warrior's Intimate Struggle to Confront Mental Health Illness Face-to-Face

Non-Fiction - Memoir
230 Pages
Reviewed on 09/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Mental Illness: MI Doesn’t Look Like ME by Susie L. Landown-Clarke chronicles the author's harrowing struggle with complex mental illnesses. Facing emotional turmoil, PTSD, anxiety, and depression, she describes how these disorders eroded her mental health and led her to the brink of suicide. Through a deeply spiritual healing experience, Landown-Clarke begins to reclaim her life, offering hope to others battling similar challenges. Her journey highlights the importance of confronting mental illness, the dangers of misguided coping mechanisms, and the belief that healing is deeply personal and ongoing. The author's raw vulnerability in sharing such an intimate battle with mental illness creates a powerful emotional connection with readers from the very first page of this personal account, and I was fully invested in her journey from cover to cover.

There’s a lot to learn here about the impact of mental illness, and Susie L. Landown-Clarke's vivid descriptions of the foe she imagined facing add a unique and haunting metaphor to the journey that helps you feel the impact in a very visceral and relatable way. The author’s spiritual and highly practical journey of healing, while never simplistic, is conveyed with clarity, sincerity, and insight, offering a message of resilience and hope that doesn’t rely on so many of the broken techniques for positive mental attitude that the author points out throughout the work. This makes the memoir a deeply personal story that also offers a powerful call to initiate honest, inclusive dialogues about mental health, breaking down stigma, and fostering understanding, and that is just as admirable as the journey itself. Overall, I would certainly recommend Mental Illness: MI Doesn’t Look Like ME for anyone wanting to learn more about mental illness from someone who can explain it in vivid, engaging terms.

Janesia Landown

Susie Clark's "Mental Health Don’t Look Like Me" is an extraordinary memoir that deserves every one of its five stars. With incredible honesty and depth, Clark tackles the complexities of mental health from her unique perspective as a Black woman, challenging stereotypes and breaking down barriers. Her writing is both captivating and relatable, as she shares her personal battles with anxiety and depression. Clark's ability to articulate her experiences fosters a deep connection with readers, making them feel seen and understood. What sets this book apart is its emphasis on community and the importance of seeking support. Clark encourages open dialogue about mental health, shining a light on the stigma often found within her own community. Her insights are not only enlightening but also empower others to prioritize their mental well-being. Amazing book!