Mealtime at the Zoo

PB&J Café

Children - Animals
36 Pages
Reviewed on 10/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Marie-Hélène Fasquel for Readers' Favorite

Mealtime at the Zoo by James Williamson is a lovely children’s book with adorable and colorful illustrations by Ayesha Masood. James, the quirky monkey butler, serves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and much more to an eclectic array of zoo animals. The pictures are delightful with animals listening to music, eating, and sipping tea together. It's a café like no other, where wild animals aren't hunters or prey, but friends enjoying a meal together. The fun lies in the details, for instance how the lion, usually known for its fierceness, peacefully shares a tea party with the zebra. It is set in a café in a zoo, a perfect location for this charming story to unfold. Children love animals and most of them enjoy eating. I love that some of the text rhymes and moves around the drawings, this is a real work of art. It also teaches kids about animals like a kangaroo's pouch and where crocodiles live, plus lots of fun jokes.

Mealtime at the Zoo: PB&J Café by James Williamson is a wonderful gift for children (and their parents) as it allows them to enjoy a fun and educational story. It also reminds readers of simple pleasures such as eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Afternoon tea is an important tradition in the English-speaking world and, as an ESL teacher, that reference is always useful for my students. Life is sometimes complicated and it is good to take the time to read a book full of wisdom, enjoy family time, don't forget the small pleasures in life, stop focusing on the negative, and count your blessings. Mealtime at the Zoo is a pleasant book full of life, colors, friendship, and love.